cs150bf / ever-notedown

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Code blocks lock the Preview Pane while scrolling #32

Open 7k50 opened 8 years ago

7k50 commented 8 years ago

Sometimes when scrolling past code blocks in the Markdown Pane, the Preview Pane will temporarily lock in a fixed position, while I continue to scroll in the Markdown Pane.

Once I scroll past the code block, the Preview Pane resumes scrolling.

This seems to be particularly common with longer code blocks, but I've had it happen for smaller code blocks too. I'm not sure what exactly causes it – if it's a character or something else in the code block, or if it affects all code blocks. I think it is the latter.

cs150bf commented 8 years ago

Well, the short story is that the whole synchronized scrolling thing is written quite poorly so it doesn't surprise me it turns out glitchy... I might re-write the part at some point, if I have time. (That's not a promise!)

If there are somebody out there interested, they might also want to check out the package https://github.com/mark-hahn/markdown-scroll-sync (I haven't done that myself, but it looks promising).