cs150bf / ever-notedown

Atom Editor Plugin
MIT License
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Evernote treats spaces in code snippets as line breaks #99

Open 7k50 opened 6 years ago

7k50 commented 6 years ago

I'm having problems with code snippets, regarding EVND notes synced to Evernote.

Each space in a code snippet, when copied from Evernote notes, is treated as a line break when copied from Evernote.

So cd ~/.ssh will be pasted into Terminal as:



When the same line is copied from Atom and the EVND reader view, the problem doesn't occur and it is treated as a single line.

I'm using the EVND theme "Custom 1" in the EVND package settings, and the Syntax theme is 'Seti Syntax'.

I'm guessing the problem is that something changed in Evernote regarding how to import the notes. I've tried re-syncing the file to Evernote, but the problem persists, so it doesn't seem to be solvable by just "remaking" the note, but I haven't this or other solutions extensively. Right now I open Atom instead to access EVND notes and just disregard Evernote.