cs3110 / textbook

The CS 3110 Textbook, "OCaml Programming: Correct + Efficient + Beautiful"
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Title of subsection 9.4.4 doesn’t match the content #173

Closed cionx closed 4 months ago

cionx commented 7 months ago

Subsection 9.4.4 is named “An Implementation of SimPL in the Environment Model”. But it actually features an implementation for the lambda calculus instead of SimPL:

9.4.4. An Implementation of SimPL in the Environment Model

You can download a complete implementation of the two semantics above: lambda-env.zip In main.ml, there is a definition named scope that you can use to switch between lexical and dynamic scope.

9.4.5. Evaluating Core OCaml in the Environment Model


(I don’t think the book even discusses the environment model for SimPL. It only does so indirectly by discussing it for Core OCaml at the end of section 9.4.)

PS. One of the linked videos does actually feature an implementation of the environment model for SimPL. However,

clarksmr commented 4 months ago
