cs3226-2017-3c / lab05

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[Security] config server and web app to prevent attacks. #24

Open davidzhao800 opened 7 years ago

davidzhao800 commented 7 years ago

Lab TA will continue trying to hack your project group's web application against a checklist (that is not shown to you) and if it survives, we will consider that it is safe enough. For testing purposes, you need to let your Lab TA know the user account details of at least 1 admin and 2 students (that is, you do not need to manually setup the other N-2 students).

davidzhao800 commented 7 years ago

Currently our server is vulnerable to slowloris attack.

Update: Server is safe from slowloris by installing libapache2-mod-qos

davidzhao800 commented 7 years ago

Server is vulnerable to SYN flood attack. e.g. sudo netwox 76 -i "" -p "80"

Update: I turned on the linux built in protection: https://www.symantec.com/connect/articles/hardening-tcpip-stack-syn-attacks net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1 net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 2048 net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 3

davidzhao800 commented 7 years ago

Protection done by iptables https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-iptables-firewall-to-protect-traffic-between-your-servers https://javapipe.com/iptables-ddos-protection

davidzhao800 commented 7 years ago

DNS Injection - Attacks that can inject fake DNS names into your server's cache

Spam from web forms is not only prevalent, it's a fast-track method of getting your domain blacklisted by the likes of Spamhaus.

Update: fixed by installing libapache2-mod-spamhaus.

davidzhao800 commented 7 years ago

DDOS attack

Update: protected by installing libapache2-mod-evasive

davidzhao800 commented 7 years ago

Disable root login and password login

davidzhao800 commented 7 years ago

Setup Cron job to backup mysql Weekly.

Update: finish.

davidzhao800 commented 7 years ago

Standardize permission for files on server

sudo a2dismod autoindex