cs361w2019-osu / sprint1-group-4

sprint1-group-4 created by GitHub Classroom
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Rotate & Place Ship (User Story 2 & 10) #2

Closed hoboabobo closed 5 years ago

hoboabobo commented 5 years ago

Be able to place your three ships in a location of your choosing on your own game board.

hoboabobo commented 5 years ago

Is this task still mine?

trumanhess commented 5 years ago

You and I can work on it together. In the is7 branch I have code that works when I place one ship down, but it doesn't let me place more than one. If we could fix this issue it would be great.

hoboabobo commented 5 years ago

Rotate ships has been implemented, however placement is still broken. Can not place more that one.