Closed stocktonwoodworth closed 1 year ago
Tried to get path2D and GSAP to work together for playback feature.
Worked with Abel on the playback feature.
Worked with Abel on playback feature. Started incorporating a hash map.
Worked with Abel on Playback and fixing the colored trail.
Additional work with Abel on line connection and map storing.
Worked with Abel on line connection so GSAP can correctly traverse a path.
Fixed the path issue with Abel.
Built function with Abel to convert our path into a d attribute for path elements. This will be added to an SVG that is a part of the canvas. The reason for the SVG addition so the GSAP library can recognize it. Once the paths are dynamically created, GSAP's motionPathPlugin can playback an animation.
Created a new function that adds a path element to an SVG. The path element as a d attribute that is created from the previously built 'buildDPath' function.
Worked on playback with Abel. GSAP won't work with how the application was built from the start. We plan to switch to CSS to get the playback working.
Worked on playback with Abel. Set up the CSS animation playback and added a mutation observer to watch the DOM. Haven't been able to get it working.
Worked with Abel on the playback. We have a bit of it working but the cube doesn't follow along the path.
References user story #7
Experiment with GSAP and playback features.