cs481-ekh / s24-illiterate-librarians

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created support for front end to store and update pdf links #207

Closed ALackey-ai closed 2 months ago

ALackey-ai commented 2 months ago

This should not be approved just yet as I'd like to do more testing using Postman. I am just starting this pr so that I can make sure it builds as I change things and more easily see the changes to main that I've actually made

status update: I have tested GetSemesterTutoringObjByIdHandler and GetSemesterTutoringObjsByIdHandler and they both work! post, update, and get EOS_report also works

ALackey-ai commented 2 months ago

Okay I changed the required info to just be there parent. NOTE: this may fail/give false results if more than one semester obj is created for a parent during a single semester since we are querying for the latest semester obj. Granted this case should never really happen but I wanted to put it out there.