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Github Auth Failed #3

Closed 09jlardinois closed 5 years ago

09jlardinois commented 5 years ago

What symptom did you see (attaching screenshots as necessary)?

GitHub password authentication always fails, even with correct passwords (many tests done to ensure correct, verbatim, or otherwise impossible to type incorrectly).

Screenshot on standby if needed.

My thought: I have a sneaking feeling it's a 2FA problem. Instead of prompting for 2F it's just immediately attempting the auth which GitHub then immediately rejects without 2FA.

When date and time (UTC) did the problem happen?

10:32PM | 22:32 UTC

What steps did you follow to reproduce the problem?

  1. git clone [repository]
  2. enter username
  3. enter password :: failed A. ____attempted with new password, simple password, copy / paste in all cases, manual typing in all cases.

Which web browser did you use (including version number)?

Chrome current, stable. Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Which operating system did you use (including version number)?

Windows 10 64 Pro Version 1809, Build 17763.253

Did you log in to CS50 IDE using the same GitHub account you used to create this issue?

Yes. I hope that helps debugging :)

kzidane commented 5 years ago

Afraid this doesn't seem like a CS50 IDE issue! That said, if you're using 2FA, I believe you will need to use a GitHub personal access token in place of the password when doing HTTP auth. You should be able to generate one at https://github.com/settings/tokens.