What symptom did you see (attaching screenshots as necessary)?
Loading a terminal threw an error as it tried to find an alias "cp" to unalias.
I called unalias cp through my aliasbuilder file that I ran as source in bashrc.
Apparently cp -i doesn't exist as an alias anymore, so it could not find it and resulted in an infinite loop on terminal load. Essentially, I couldn't use the terminal to change the bashrc (although I found an alternative by overwriting), but even then, overwriting didn't work because c9 kept trying the oldest configuration.
Photo attached.
When date and time (UTC) did the problem happen?
3:09PM UTC
What steps did you follow to reproduce the problem?
create a file called "aliasbuilder" (plain text, no extension) with the first line, "unalias cp"
run it as source from ~/.bashrc
load a new terminal
Which web browser did you use (including version number)?
Chrome Version 72.0.3626.96 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Which operating system did you use (including version number)?
Win 10 x64 Pro
Version 10.0.17763 Build 17763
Did you log in to CS50 IDE using the same GitHub account you used to create this issue?
What symptom did you see (attaching screenshots as necessary)?
Loading a terminal threw an error as it tried to find an alias "cp" to unalias. I called unalias cp through my aliasbuilder file that I ran as source in bashrc. Apparently cp -i doesn't exist as an alias anymore, so it could not find it and resulted in an infinite loop on terminal load. Essentially, I couldn't use the terminal to change the bashrc (although I found an alternative by overwriting), but even then, overwriting didn't work because c9 kept trying the oldest configuration.
Photo attached.
When date and time (UTC) did the problem happen?
3:09PM UTC
What steps did you follow to reproduce the problem?
Which web browser did you use (including version number)?
Chrome Version 72.0.3626.96 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Which operating system did you use (including version number)?
Win 10 x64 Pro Version 10.0.17763 Build 17763
Did you log in to CS50 IDE using the same GitHub account you used to create this issue?