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*Spoiler* CS50P Problem Set 4 - Little Professor - Check 50 Gives Green Smilies for Correct Range of Problems and Incorrect Range of Problems #245

Open gtrdn77 opened 2 months ago

gtrdn77 commented 2 months ago

Hi, When running my code for the Little Professor problem through check50, I receive all green smilies for code that outputs 10 problems and code that outputs 9 problems by changing the "while questions < 10" to "<9" and "if questions == 10" to "==9" in the code below.

After reviewing my code, I'm still not sure whether my code has an error or check50 is mistakenly suggesting the code that outputs 9 problems is correct. Any help with this would be appreciated! SPOILER

import random
import sys

def main():
    questions = 0
    incorrect_answers = 0
    while True:
            user_level = get_level()
            if user_level == ValueError:
                while questions < 10:
                    attempts = 0
                    questions += 1
                    generated_ints = generate_integer(user_level)
                    x = generated_ints[0]#x is first element of tuple
                    y = generated_ints[1]#y is second element of tuple
                    while attempts <= 2:
                        user_input = int(input(f"{x} + {y} ="))
                        correct_answer = x + y
                        if user_input != correct_answer and attempts == 2:
                            incorrect_answers += 1
                            print(f"Correct Anwer: {correct_answer}")
                        elif user_input != correct_answer:
                            attempts += 1
                if questions == 10:
                    answered_correctly = 10 - int(incorrect_answers)
                    return print(answered_correctly)
        except EOFError:

def get_level():
    while True:
            level = int(input("Level: "))
            if level not in {1,2,3}:
                return level
        except ValueError:

def generate_integer(level):#generate_integer returns a randomly generated non-negative integer with level digits
#or raises a ValueError if level is not 1, 2, or 3:
    if level not in {1,2,3}:
        return ValueError
    elif level == 1:
        x = random.randint(0,9)
        y = random.randint(0,9)
        return x, y
    elif level == 2:
        x = random.randint(10,99)
        y = random.randint(10,99)
        return x, y
    #elif level == "3":
        x = random.randint(100,999)
        y = random.randint(100,999)
        return x, y

def final_score(wrong_answers):
    answered_correctly = 10 - int(wrong_answers)
    print(f"Score: {answered_correctly}/10")

if __name__ == "__main__":