cs6413110 / Pixel-Tanks

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Level Voting #134

Open cs6413110 opened 7 months ago

cs6413110 commented 7 months ago

We need to organize level creation. Many of the levels we currently have were spontaneously created and could be improved. Here is where you will vote on each level so we can get popular opinion on each.

Here is how the voting system will work:

Heart = I really like this level Thumbs Up = Good level :) Thumbs Down = Bad Level, Too difficult or complex. Confused/Frown = Bad Level, Impossible to beat, Designed to lag ppl's devices, Low effort, etc. Rocket = Too difficult of a level, but good for later in the game. Eyes = mid level

@BreadSpam and I will post images of each level along with where it came from (level 1, tdm map, lobby map, etc.) and vote on each one. Do not post any comments or they will be deleted. If you have suggestions for a level, just tell @BreadSpam in-person.

Level Editor:

cs6413110 commented 7 months ago

I will post levels here once we get to it, just ignore this until I start posting them.

CelestialKnight7 commented 6 months ago

not relevant rn so unpinning but can repin when levels start getting made again

CelestialKnight7 commented 6 months ago


CelestialKnight7 commented 6 months ago

repinned cuz level maker exists now

BreadSpam commented 6 months ago

Still waiting for link

CelestialKnight7 commented 6 months ago

its in the other issue sor

CelestialKnight7 commented 6 months ago


BreadSpam commented 6 months ago

editor cant load levels :(

CelestialKnight7 commented 6 months ago

level editor doesn't show levels if u put in the map codes so can't vote :(

BreadSpam commented 6 months ago

ye @cs641311 FIX

CelestialKnight7 commented 6 months ago

just add anyways


BreadSpam commented 4 months ago

aaron fix the level editor so we can see this map

CelestialKnight7 commented 4 months ago


cs6413110 commented 4 months ago

Closing. We will redo all

BreadSpam commented 4 months ago

after u fix level editor

BreadSpam commented 4 months ago

link plz?

BreadSpam commented 4 months ago

still has the no pasting level bug :(. Aaron can u make a real link?

CelestialKnight7 commented 4 months ago

fix plz

BreadSpam commented 4 months ago


cs6413110 commented 4 months ago


BreadSpam commented 4 months ago

how about fix editor??

BreadSpam commented 4 months ago

paste level feature dosent work

CelestialKnight7 commented 4 months ago

no, fixing the level editor will allow us to remove bad maps and vote on new ones

BreadSpam commented 4 months ago

ye so dont close

cs6413110 commented 4 months ago

Ok but still close

CelestialKnight7 commented 4 months ago

nuh uh

BreadSpam commented 4 months ago

ye nuh uh

BreadSpam commented 4 months ago


BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

nuh uh

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

fix editor link

CelestialKnight7 commented 4 weeks ago

jeez this is old

CelestialKnight7 commented 4 weeks ago

@DarkMemeGod411 make levels for multiplayer

-duels -ffa -tdm (different from duels though they can have some be the same) -defense -juggernaut

BreadSpam commented 4 weeks ago

as long as we vote on them, and they are gud

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

@@DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 D@DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 arkMemeGod411@DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMeme@DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGo@DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 @DarkMemeGod411 d411 God411

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 weeks ago

YES! Working on it now. ty

BreadSpam commented 3 weeks ago

link still doesn't have a working paste feature :(

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 weeks ago

link still doesn't have a working paste feature :(

yeah, fix

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago


LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

y is it so pixilated

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago


LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago


BreadSpam commented 3 weeks ago

I need this cosmetic @CelestialKnight7 add

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

I need this cosmetic @CelestialKnight7 add

  1. I can add
  2. what cosmet??
LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

cuz, ya know, im in charge of cosmets?

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

i permit you to make it a cosmetic but make it look nicer by redoing it in pixel art

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

@LostKing73 add

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

wa ok?

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

i dont.. is this good? image

BreadSpam commented 3 weeks ago

no hands. fix

BreadSpam commented 3 weeks ago

and remove the bands. victim is gone for a reason