cs6413110 / Pixel-Tanks

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Progression #141

Open BreadSpam opened 6 months ago

BreadSpam commented 6 months ago

FIXXXXXXXXXXX, like wut its literally broken omg stap lag update and fix already - bread 2024

BreadSpam commented 6 months ago


basically, start over your account to experience low level again for a higher max level reward. adds a huge amount of replayability to game and a lot more grind to be had. like imagine losing to a flat, so u grind for a week for rank 25, then destroy them then EZ

BreadSpam commented 6 months ago

Player level/achievements

The player level is separate from your tank level, and tracks your overall progress. this includes levels beaten, cosmetics gotten, achievements made, and your tank level. this level can go all the way up to 100, and will give you not only xp and crates, but also many privileges. these include commands, menus, settings, and at level 100, vip rank, because to get that, you need to beat the whole game.

achievements are goals that you can complete when your bored, reminders of your progress, and something fun and interesting. achievements can reward basically anything, but most importantly, player xp. here are a few examples of achievements

BreadSpam commented 5 months ago

List of achievements

CelestialKnight7 commented 5 months ago

already made a doc of achievements like 2 years ago,


BreadSpam commented 5 months ago

bo that is so outdated save

CelestialKnight7 commented 5 months ago

ye but still prob has like at least 2 things of value on it

BreadSpam commented 5 months ago

exactly. like why are we removing all the things u could buy. also what do u think of bringing back kits/perks? (like thermal armor. basically extra passives)

CelestialKnight7 commented 5 months ago

eeeeeehhhhh? idk maybe. could be cool and could be something to buy but that means editing the inventory menu again and I'm running out of space to put buttons while still being mostly symmetrical.

CelestialKnight7 commented 5 months ago

also less importantly it could mean unbalancing the game

BreadSpam commented 5 months ago

it wouldnt unbalance game bc if ther ewas like 1 or 2 good perks, then everyone would use so not op (like how shield and blocks are op but not nerfed)

BreadSpam commented 5 months ago

also there is plenty of space

cs6413110 commented 5 months ago

My brain doesn't have enough space to keep track of all the spam

BreadSpam commented 5 months ago


basically extra passives for your tank. and don't worry, wont need balancing bc everyone will just use meta perk so um not op if everyone uses it (healing item logic)

more ideas soon.

CelestialKnight7 commented 5 months ago


basically extra passives for your tank. and don't worry, wont need balancing bc everyone will just use meta perk so um not op if everyone uses it (healing item logic)

  • Life steal: heal 10% of dmg u deal using normal shots
  • Protection: 5% dmg reduction
  • Auto Item: automatically uses items such as bomb and healing items when they are most effective
  • Reflect Boost: boost also gives reflection
  • Thermal armor: dmg to idots who touch
  • Defensive stance: 25% less dmg if standing still

more ideas soon.

  1. no
  2. no
  3. maybe, ask aaron if he's willing to suffer
  4. sure
  5. sure ig (why is everyone obsessed with thermal armor?)
  6. ig maybe? (lower to like 15% tho maybe?)
CelestialKnight7 commented 5 months ago

but its a good basis for perks. and if u really like leveling stuff we could add tiers to these for example tier 1 thermal armor does like 1 dmg per sec while touching, but teir 5 would do like 10 dmg per sec while touching. obviously some would only have 1 tier like reflect boost (cuz how do u buff that?) so the max amount of tiers a perk can have would change depending on the perk.

Yes, im stealing this idea from DRG.

cs6413110 commented 5 months ago

!?!?1//?//?//?/////heart attack watwatawtawtawtawtawtwaatwat lag bye clsoing

BreadSpam commented 5 months ago


BreadSpam commented 5 months ago

add all of the upvoted things at the top then u can close

cs6413110 commented 5 months ago

I read until valuable spam and then gave up

BreadSpam commented 5 months ago


BreadSpam commented 4 months ago

Bruh when is any of this gonna get added???? Everyone thinks these are gud ideas, so @cs6413110 add prestiegung, orelse I'll make a beta ez

cs6413110 commented 4 months ago


BreadSpam commented 4 months ago

OMG STOP CLOSING THIS ISSUE also im adding prestieging EZ (just gonna be really expensive level 20+ ez

CelestialKnight7 commented 4 months ago

don't add presditgnging sor

CelestialKnight7 commented 4 months ago

cant spel

CelestialKnight7 commented 4 months ago

but dont

BreadSpam commented 4 months ago

Bruh fine I'll do it when accounts reset (never)

cs6413110 commented 4 months ago

Ok so close?

BreadSpam commented 4 months ago


cs6413110 commented 3 months ago

no progression, just fix

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

bruh its so annoyance that nothing here has been coded yet bc everyone is max level, and we cant do account reset until this is added sauhsuagsahkfa

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago


CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

but its a good basis for perks. and if u really like leveling stuff we could add tiers to these for example tier 1 thermal armor does like 1 dmg per sec while touching, but teir 5 would do like 10 dmg per sec while touching. obviously some would only have 1 tier like reflect boost (cuz how do u buff that?) so the max amount of tiers a perk can have would change depending on the perk.

Yes, im stealing this idea from DRG.


BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

ok do

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

9 perk slots, but all of them will be crazy expensive. so the ones that are staying are:

  1. thermal armor (duh) (3 tiers) take dmg when in ur hitbox 2
  2. reflect boost (1 tier) when boosting u also reflect 4
  3. emergency cloak (2 tiers) when at less than 50 hp u go invis (but cant go thru walls) 1
  4. thruster (1 tier) gain an extra boost charge) 5
  5. scavenger (3 tiers) get some cool down time back for all abilities after a kill 3
  6. retractor (3 tiers) faster grapple cd 6
  7. advanced hook (2 tiers) grapple charges faster if u miss a player but can't grab blocks 7
  8. not done yet (3 tiers)50% chance to not die when taking lethal dmg leaving u at 1hp. 9
  9. ai managing (3 tiers) auto use items when most effective 8

2 3 3 1 1 3 2 3 3

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

ok, but for 8, make it give a small invincibility so if you get shotgunned, you don't die

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

also there are 12 slots so add 3 more :)

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

so the 2 ones that everyone will use is the 2nd boost and the cloak, but if turrets also get buffed, then thermal armor would maybe work

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

not with the template im doing

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

u'll see :)

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

2.emergency cloak 4.thermal armor 6.scav 8.reflect boost 10.double boost 12.grapple cd 14.advanced gripple 16.ai managing 20.not done yet

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

what level each perk will be unlocked at

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

will reset each "reboot" if we add prestiging

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

Just tell me how to add user variables then I can half code all of this lol

cs6413110 commented 3 months ago

UH nope. You don't touch anything that saves because you can cause permanent damage.

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

well then code perks

cs6413110 commented 3 months ago

Can we close this? I'll get to perks eventually. That is progression enough(for both game and players)

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

Add everything on here for a close

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago


CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

@BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam @BreadSpam