cs6413110 / Pixel-Tanks

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My Idea for Skill Tree #443

Closed BreadSpam closed 3 months ago

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago


I don't want to add more features/stats to tanks. the game is already super complicated, and adding more would make the game near impossible to understand for new players. I say that we make it so you unlock basic abilities via the skill tree to help new players ease into the game's mechanics and provide new incentive to learn about each ability when you unlock them, and also make levels feel more impactful then they are now.

here's my thingy Screenshot 2024-04-11 8 12 11 AM each level will give the usual stats, along with a skill point you can use on the skill tree.

new accounts will only be able to move and shoot, nothing else. this will help new players understand new mechanics as they unlock them via the skill tree

if there is a circle in-between 2 points, then the upgrade costs 2 perk points instead of 1

the first perk is auto unlocked, and prestieging requires the top 4 perks to be unlocked first, but dosent cost a skill point

whenever a new mechanic is unlocked, a tutorial will start in order to teach the player how it works

👍 = good idea (despite how bad my skill tree layout is) 👎 = bad idea (not bc how bad my skill tree layout is) 👀 = I want the skill tree to change (post idea)

cs6413110 commented 3 months ago

yea uh hlap

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

Bruh do u know how many abilities and tanks already have??? Imagine if we made gripple invincible and any item also has reflect and 2 second item cooldown reduction :((((

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

Tanks are strong enough. I don't want them to get stronger :/

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

Bruh what even is ur idea??? Like what stats do u get from upgrading? Explain. Like tell me the list of stats that get upgraded

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

show me a skill tree with everything planned out such as what gets upgraded and by how much (like mine)

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

btw, my idea isn't that hard. u don't code anything new, just add if statements to if you have the ability unlocked, and at what level :/

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

Google drawings XD

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

Aaron gab perm to close so bye :D