cs6413110 / Pixel-Tanks

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why perks and not skill tree #453

Closed BreadSpam closed 3 months ago

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago


i don't like stat tree for 1 big reason: it just makes tanks stronger, and we don't need that. there is only 2 solutions, and they both suck

1: make all the new stats/items you added stack ontop of the existing stats to make everyone super op, and make the problem of power creep worse. like imagine if all tanks just moved 50% faster bc why not? 2: make the base rank 0 tank worse (worse movement speed, firing speed, damage, health, etc) and then have the tree give them all back, which would make early game not fun

I don't care if it makes tanks "more specialized" I don't want to be locked in to insta spam for the rest of my life. and even if you can change your stats, that would take forever.

skill trees are also a lot harder to manage and code instead of perks. like you need to add like 30 buttons, and have 10 if statements for each to see if you u can even buy It in the first place, so just no :(

perks on the other hand. don't double the stats of every tank, and just make the game more fun by giving more options to customize your tank. we also already have everything planned for perks so let's just do that.

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

after reading this and taking a moment to think. I believe that perks should be added

cs6413110 commented 3 months ago

BreadSpam Translation:

Skill Tree simply makes your tank stronger in different areas. However, this just complicates the game without providing any new fun gameplay/features, which perks do. It just changes a number. It is redundant and very complicated and confusing in game development to have 2 entirely different ways to level up the same stats. It's not worth the menus, if statements, and effort to code something that already is partially implemented. While adding skill tree does allow you to progress in a custom and specialized way, perks do the exact same thing, BUT it additionally adds new game features. Also, making a wrong decision with the skill tree can drastically hurt your playstyle. Skill tree would also lead to extremely overpowered combinations that would complicate the balancing process insanely.

3foe commented 3 months ago

that is old skills if skills/stats were still that i would actually agree with you however jonas and I are putting out heads together to make the perfect combination without simple "changing a number" and nerfing rank zero to the ground

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

so add perks :)

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

i see the logic of both sides, HOWEVER, i believe that skill tree is too much work and would be unbalanced and broken, so yes add perks.

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

i can make menus for it if needed :)

cs6413110 commented 3 months ago

You literally could have just suggested new perk ideas instead of trying to make an entirely new skill tree though. I don't understand why(leaving jonas out of this for now) you have made multiple "skill trees" of ideas copied and pasted from perks. You are quite literally just stealing Evan's ideas for your own idea. Perks already have a menu. Perks are almost done. Perks are the best option.

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

who made multiple skill trees?

3foe commented 3 months ago

so this is irrelevant an argument against old skills the same could be said against perks with a few minor changes:

I believe Perks is too hard to code instead of simply changing a number you have to code an entirely new feature, which just complicates the game instead of just making versatility it also doesn't make the game as fun because if anyone has a chance to live after an install then it's not fair. it's not worth having a menu for perks instead of adding versatility and fun to the game you are adding more work for Aaron and taking away the differences in tanks that lead to hundreds of different matchups. perks would lead to insanely op buffs that can easily one-shot any tank

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

flat, what do you want then?

3foe commented 3 months ago

honestly after remaking your argument i realize this really depends on the person some people just want another install others just want versatility so adding both satisfies both needs instead of one, only adding one is greedy and selfish which is another reason to add both

3foe commented 3 months ago

stop trying to kill it, bradley if you try to kill this you are trying to kill prestige, even if you try to kill this then you kill the best form of perks

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

perks can be balanced easily and menus are already made (by @CelestialKnight7) so add perks

3foe commented 3 months ago

perks literally are not balenced they need skills and hard effort to balance them which is what jonas and I are doing, and the stat/perk tree menu is already being made so add both

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

Just collaborate to make a solution that satisfies both sides of the argument, for now add perks

3foe commented 3 months ago

thats literally what we are doing but bradley and even are not being helpful so we are forced to do it ourselves and I think we are almost done

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

Bro I'm not reading this. Aaron already said he is just adding perks, so irrelevant conversation. I'm not reading any more of this spammage

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

that is old skills if skills/stats were still that i would actually agree with you however jonas and I are putting out heads together to make the perfect combination without simple "changing a number" and nerfing rank zero to the ground

ok, ill hear your idea so long as it has nothing to do with perks or has perks in your skill tree

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

perks literally are not balenced they need skills and hard effort to balance them which is what jonas and I are doing, and the stat/perk tree menu is already being made so add both

THats what aaron is doing, we already removed 3 planned pekrs because aaron and i deemed them either op or stealing from an item/class

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

you know wut. bread is right. cya chumps