cs6413110 / Pixel-Tanks

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MLG update[FEATURE] #471

Closed 3foe closed 3 months ago

3foe commented 3 months ago


the cosmetic itself doesn't need an update but it fits on the tank so badly, since eye areas are so different on every cosmetic, to make MLG viable make a feature where you can edit where it is on the tank like click and drop. DO THIS ONLY FOR MLG bc you can hide ur tank team if u do it for everything.

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

tru, but I'm just gonna adjust the img so it's not wonky XD

3foe commented 3 months ago

uh no we need it customizable so that u can put it anywhere on the tank

3foe commented 3 months ago

but do that to we need both

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

we dont

3foe commented 3 months ago

why not i want 2 valid reasons that are voted on by a person who is not bradley or Aaron or u

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

so no one sane?

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

I want a vote that is voted on only by Aaron, Bradley, or me

3foe commented 3 months ago

stalling for no reasons other than "u supported skills so ima hurt the game and not add something people will want"

I want those reasons otherwise opinion invalid

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

im done with you.

3foe commented 3 months ago

so no one sane?

th reason is bc u are obviously biased, bread supports u bc he's ur friend therefore biased, and Aaron is an auto down vote

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

does my vote count?

BreadSpam commented 3 months ago

um fixed, the MLG glasses are lower now so stap arguing.