cs6413110 / Pixel-Tanks

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MLG update[FEATURE] #474

Closed 3foe closed 2 months ago

3foe commented 3 months ago


the cosmetic itself doesn't need an update but it fits on the tank so badly, since eye areas are so different on every cosmetic, to make MLG viable make a feature where you can edit where it is on the tank like click and drop. DO THIS ONLY FOR MLG bc you can hide ur tank team if u do it for everything.

3foe commented 3 months ago

dmg u are only opposing for admin, bread ur baised so no vote

2 reasons as to why the MLG update shouldn't exist

3foe commented 3 months ago

yall just spamming bc you oppose it but have no reason to oppose it cmon anyone have a singular reason that's valid or applicable

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

1: Evan and aaron stated there will be NO more cosmetics. Includes changes 2: requires even more work and its unnecessary, good idea but nah. and ur right, i am wanting admin :)

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

so there's your reasons

3foe commented 3 months ago

DMG let me be blunt after you being biased i talked to aaron like 2 days ago and he said you will never get admin or VIP ever again because you said the N word and let immature sevys talk and be immature

3foe commented 3 months ago

1: Evan and aaron stated there will be NO more cosmetics. Includes changes 2: requires even more work and its unnecessary, good idea but nah. and ur right, i am wanting admin :)

for reason one this is not a cosmetic change it is a feature, click and drop where u want the MLG glasses don't he tank no sprite changes at all just a feature

and 2 are we finishing the game so we need good ideas to fix bad ones well MLG was a good idea but bad img and cropping so a good img will fix

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

Flat just stop. i contribute to this game (not NEARLY as much as aaron) but i am still useful, and stop sir your being uncouth

3foe commented 3 months ago

i did say 2 valid and applicable reasons now I will add undeniable reasons

dmg 1 was weak and countered 2 was not aplicable

3foe commented 3 months ago

once cosmetics are done what do you do?

3foe commented 3 months ago

also uncouth? wut

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago


3foe commented 3 months ago


DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

after cosmetics are done, Then menu's after that, animations, after that, The reign of terror begins

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

you made a typo

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

POV: flat loading dictionary.com

3foe commented 3 months ago

menus are evans thing, animations are beyond you and you will never have admin therefore no reign of terror?

however this is not the point of the issue so 2 valid applicable and undeniable reasons

3foe commented 3 months ago

don't act innocent, you said uncouth

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago


3foe commented 3 months ago

That is what I'm asking what does uncouth mean

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

Lacking morals and dignity,

3foe commented 3 months ago

bro says n word multiple times and tells the full on Christian that he has no morals check your position let me add another bro laughs and says that GPA players making trafficking and many other highly inappropriate references is funny and wont stop it

3foe commented 3 months ago

i think we are done here give me 2 reasons then ill stop pushing for mlg as long as they are real valid undeniable and applicable

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

also bread already fixed the img. Im against the moving it part

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

and if we aren't doing that for every cosmetic (for obvious reasons such as covering your whole tank and TTP) then we won't do it for one specific cosmetic

3foe commented 3 months ago

ima look at the img, and what do you have against the moving part

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

bro says n word multiple times and tells the full on Christian that he has no morals check your position let me add another bro laughs and says that GPA players making trafficking and many other highly inappropriate references is funny and wont stop it


CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

just said it could cover the whole tank (not that it matters cuz like all cosmetics do that now) and TTP (don't look it up on school Chromebook). and its just another thing to add that isn't neccesary

3foe commented 3 months ago

DMG ik ur mad but seriously how'd u get the power to ban someone

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

I am a loose cannon, i go from calm to insane if someone ticks me off

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

DMG ik ur mad but seriously how'd u get the power to ban someone

i am not mad flat, just, annoyed

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

also if i was mad, id already be banned from github

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

and flat the only reason ur still in the GitHub is because if u got kicked out you'd go crying to mommy to get Aaron in trouble

3foe commented 3 months ago

OMG A VALID REASON but unfortunately they are debatable, MLG isn't big enough to cover the entire tank, it may not be necessary but is anything really necessary, do we really need perks? so necessary isn't valid

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

Exactly evan

3foe commented 3 months ago

dmg idk how u managed to ban me but I will find out and we will patch it

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

wdym, i haven't been on today?

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

i know nothing about that, when was this again?

DarkMemeGod411 commented 3 months ago

IF it even happened

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 months ago

OMG A VALID REASON but unfortunately they are debatable, MLG isn't big enough to cover the entire tank, it may not be necessary but is anything really necessary, do we really need perks? so necessary isn't valid

if we do it for one cosmetic we would do it for all. cuz it would be stoopid to have for only 1 item, And yes we need perks for that extra menu in the shop and for more diversity while still being balanced and simple (looking at u skill tree) and its something to spend a lot of money on cuz apparently everyone is too rich

3foe commented 3 months ago

ok then do it for all, i think Bradley is smart enough to do it it even can u make the menu for 'Cosmetic customization' we should make it cost money or somthing

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 months ago

no, no, no, and no.