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slight off topic perk spam #487

Closed CelestialKnight7 closed 2 months ago

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 months ago

just need a vote, we're getting rid of tactical's passive to be able to see health bars and might make it a perk, whatcha'll think?

👍 : ye make it a perk 👎 : just remove 😕 : idk I just got here

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 months ago

it wouldn't have one

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 months ago

stealth, warrior, medic, and fire(ig the boost but that's the main point of the class) don't have passives, builder is soon not gonna have one and Aaron and I talked about tactical passive and it would be better without it

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 months ago

too much work, would unbalance game, and u can choose ur own passives with pekrs

BreadSpam commented 2 months ago

bases are kinda hard to make :(. ppl can just break the blocks and you cant defend them bc there are blocks in the way. builder passive kinda fixes the problem, but not really. the only thing that fixed the problem was fortress, but everyone hates it even though it has potential. the only way bases become viable without fortress getting added back is boost nerfs, and turret brain cell increase (u can just boost into 3 turrets and then live like what's the point of holding a choke point of they just boost????)

DarkMemeGod411 commented 2 months ago

NO!. you do NOT change tactical. I will change my mind if I bribe though :)

BreadSpam commented 2 months ago

can we nerf boost to not have invincibility anymore? warrior still gets bc its kinda its whole thing, and reflect exists, but it just invalidates tactical, airstrike, and stalling strats, and gripple dosnet give invincibility and it works just fine :( we could maybe make it a perk? (reflect boost revival/purpose)

👍 = ye makes sense, remove 😕 = makes sense, but I'm used to the game with all the invincibility 👎 = ew no

cs6413110 commented 2 months ago

Why is there a bread on my screen.

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 months ago

bases are kinda hard to make :(. ppl can just break the blocks and you cant defend them bc there are blocks in the way. builder passive kinda fixes the problem, but not really. the only thing that fixed the problem was fortress, but everyone hates it even though it has potential. the only way bases become viable without fortress getting added back is boost nerfs, and turret brain cell increase (u can just boost into 3 turrets and then live like what's the point of holding a choke point of they just boost????)

when has anyone every boosted into 3 turrets and lived (without killing the builder player but then that's a skill issue)

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 months ago

besides builder need that nerf

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 months ago

anyway, vote concluded I'll change the perk shop menu later and someone (bread) will have to re-fix the cords

BreadSpam commented 2 months ago

well ppl haven't lived but ppl like flat can heavily damage ur turret setup easily due to invincibility and camping on them, and depending on where your base is (in the middle of a hallway that they want to get past), the can just bypass your turrets by going THROUGH them bc no hitbox using the insane speed + invincibility from boost

DarkMemeGod411 commented 2 months ago

anyway, vote concluded I'll change the perk shop menu later and someone (bread) will have to re-fix the cords

i could re-fix the cords

BreadSpam commented 2 months ago

Evan makes a post? Aaron upvotes

Bread makes a post? Aaron downvotes
