cs6413110 / Pixel-Tanks

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[Aaron issue] Lag updates and whatnot #489

Closed CelestialKnight7 closed 2 months ago

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 months ago

as we all know there has been a blatant lack of 'fixage' as of late. This is cuz Aaron is busy with lag update which takes priority. However the issues list is beginning to overflow and there's only so much one half baked loaf can do. So to get some stuff going, the lag update will have deadline of 2 weeks, leaving the last 2 weeks of skool for fixage of all bugs and implantation of peorks and other features. We all know of the true menace of pixeltanks right next to flat is lag, so before the comments are flooded with "fix" lets thank the aaron for sacrificing his negative amounts of braincells for tirelessly working on tonks. Seriously, if he gave up a braincell per update, he would have ran out years ago.