cs6413110 / Pixel-Tanks

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[BUG] Animated Cosmetics Only Work In Game #526

Open BreadSpam opened 2 months ago

BreadSpam commented 2 months ago


everywhere else, including the pause screen, main menu, inventory TWICE, and crates, they aren't animated. - dead bodies too (lk addition moment)

Solution 1: add if statements everywhere

Solution 2: make every cosmetic animated, but if they are 1 frame then nothing changes, so only affect the ones with frames

❤️ = solution 2 👍 = solution 1 👎 = ew no

cs6413110 commented 2 months ago

I'll get to this in 5 weeks

cs6413110 commented 2 months ago
for (const annoyance of [Bradley, Jonas, Matthew, Alex]) annoyance.addEventListener('onspam', e => {
  return new Response(`I'll get to this in ${Math.floor(Math.random()*10)} weeks.`)
BreadSpam commented 2 months ago

add a 1/100000 chance that it says u will actually code

cs6413110 commented 2 months ago

ngl animated cosmetics were 10/10 update

cs6413110 commented 2 months ago

literally carried by @LostKing27

Up your game bread

DarkMemeGod411 commented 2 months ago

i must say, whether i like it or not good job @LostKing27

BreadSpam commented 2 months ago

literally says the man who told me not to code anything??? also I added mass open crates. it would take u 100x more carpel tunnel to get the animated cosmetics without it

BreadSpam commented 2 months ago

also wdym u will get to this in weeks? isn't it as easy as copy/paste code from game into everywhere else?

cs6413110 commented 2 months ago

literally says the man who told me not to code anything??? also I added mass open crates. it would take u 100x more carpel tunnel to get the animated cosmetics without it

1.) Ye stop coding stuff. LostKing didn't code. He did something revolutionary called making quality images. 2.) Mass open is cring and will make switching to lag update 10x harder

BreadSpam commented 2 months ago

Also made smoke bomb so good luck

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

um didnt u say u weren't changing PixelTanks folder? also can we get this actually fixed? @cs6413110 @3foe @LostKing27 @DarkMemeGod411 @CelestialKnight7 👍 = let the bread attempt 👎 = wait 4 months for the aaronism

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

Aaron's not getting to this for another 5.2 years so like i'll just do

CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago

uh oh

uh oh

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

fixed in 1 spot so far lol