cs6413110 / Pixel-Tanks

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tacticle rework[FEATURE] #541

Closed 3foe closed 2 months ago

3foe commented 2 months ago


so tacticles purpose is to deal massive amounts of damage in a low amount of time. however, the insta is too op because it depends on the tacticles skill to deal dmg meaning one shots are very op with key binds, in the past, it was self-balanced because you needed the skill to use it now key binds has messed with that.

there are 2 routes that I see

make tactile damage based off of the other player's stupidity

or make it so that the skill is not related to key binds but something like aim, or something else

3foe commented 2 months ago

I like #2 also ik my ideas for tacticle suck that's why earthing I said was just what Aaron said it's purpose was and gave a rubric of what it should and y I asked for ideas.

cs6413110 commented 2 months ago

Just change megamissle so it does low dmg on spawn but within like .1 seconds reaches expodential platue of 200 damage.

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 months ago

flat, we would never use ur ideas unless u stole those ideas from someone with an actual brain. But don't worry, the people with more than 1 side of a brain are coming up with a solution that does not involve you.

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 months ago

no cuz flat. its in the balancing issue

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 months ago

also me and Aaron do it seprately from issue to prevent spam interference