cs6413110 / Pixel-Tanks

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Final Balancing [NO SPAM] #557

Open CelestialKnight7 opened 1 month ago

CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago

this does not include perks which might need to be balanced after being added (doubt they will be added flawlessly)

things that need to be buffed: classes:

stealth (another issue on this) tactical (too many counters to it and needs a little something, also we're removing it's passive) medic (kinda, mostly needs to be reworked) items: none things that need to be nerfed: classes:

warrior (needs it, the nerf was bound to happen eventually) builder (needs to be reworked regarding: torret hp/torret cd/torret stats(turn speed/aimbot/dmg/etc)) items: bomb (remove the 100 dmg) USB: add max stacks (3), nerf the damage reduction (25% -> 10% so you have to work for that less dmg)

general stuff: hit priority (there have been complaints so when balancing we'll test it out to see how much it affects and if its really that much of a nerf or if ya'll just like to complain)

CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago

tactical: idk this isn't my department but here's some ideas: ~cluster bomb (mega missile explodes into 4 smaller bombs on impact (each doing 12.5 dmg at max rank) ~holding f allows you to enter aim mode and u get a red line indicating where ur aiming, this does not slow u or hurt u in any way. releasing f shoots the megamissile. (u need f to be off cd to do this)

medic: idk revert to whatever the old one was pre-bread.

warrior: check to see if its able to hit twice in one boost, if so: fix reduce damage of boost to 50 if it needs a buff after these 2 changes we can change damage numbers, don't increase cd so no more I-frames

builder: 3 torrets no aimbot no passive torrets only do Normal shooting and same damage per bullet as the tonk does (so scales with rank)

bomb: remove the 100 dmg make only break blocks(works fine now) and break gripples (works fine now (I think)) don't break usb's (toolkit will do that) don't break dynas cuz just kill the person that placed it

CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago

either way just make it not do dmg to players

CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago

why do dmg? just make it break blocks and break gripple

CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago


CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago

I'll test with it later

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

tactical buff: explosive chain the tactical wont have splash and only do 100, but whatever you hit with it, will cause an explosion on the target, which deals 100 dmg. AND whatever THAT explosion hits (excepts for targets that already took damage) will ALSO do ANOTHER explosion

fixes the shield weakness, and makes it EVEN better at melting clumped groups (this is bc, for example, if u hit 3 ppl on top of each other, and u hit them all they will take 400 dmg each in total bc of the chains). this can also effect blocks, causing satisfying destruction (imagine the strip mine map omg)

CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago

sounds op

cs6413110 commented 1 month ago

funni, but heck nah