cs6413110 / Pixel-Tanks

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figs idk[FEATURE] #573

Closed 3foe closed 1 month ago

3foe commented 1 month ago


i dont want a pvp, i dont want an alex murder session I only want 100% honest answers ok. do not take this as defending alex I just want to know you reasonings for attacking him. jonas I want you to answer the following questions

what do we gain by removing alex

what do we lose by removing alex

does the gain from removing Alex out weight the losses

how does this effect alex personally

how does this effect you personally

is removing his code access related to the fact that he did not give you the sword

is it personal for you

will this help heal whatever sort of relationship you had before he lied about the sword

alr those are the questions, not defending him I just want to help you think through this logically and if you come the the (honest) decision to continue to oppose his code access I will support you. but from what it sounds like you just want to get back at him, and that's not something I want to be a part of remember I am torn between two friends so don't ask be to be biased ok :

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

how is this resolved

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

i dont have code access and for what, not printing a stupid sword?

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

look, jonas, im sorry ok?. Why am i not allowed to code now, you are literally doing this for your self gain

3foe commented 1 month ago

ye its personal...

3foe commented 1 month ago

jonas as far as i can see, there is no real reason to remove other than, he adds stuff without permission. sure but remember making a listnot saying what they did was all bad





so hjojnas as far as I am concerned he has been punished enough for the N-word stuff, he lost admin. the sword? you have removed his admin cosmetics and have been haunting his every step nlg its obvious that you hate him, now you try to punish a personal issue with a public punishment, crime should fit the punishment, he personally hurt you he has to make it up on a personal level. so trying to punish him publicly is not really fair to him and make you look bad not him please stop ignoring me and answer the questions.

3foe commented 1 month ago

alr whatever, still think its personal but that's ur choice ill stay out of it

3foe commented 1 month ago

ur not his boss :/

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

sir, i am sorry ok?

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

it seems very personal

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

then what is it

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

u edit the image to help your case

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

Edited LOL

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

cut off at the end