cs6413110 / Pixel-Tanks

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Quick Username Typing #583

Open BreadSpam opened 1 month ago

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago


make it so if u press tab while typing, it will look at the word ur currently typing, and find the username that has the same first letters, and auto type it. this is useful when doing certain commands quickly with ppl who have long usernames

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

absolutely, great idea

cs6413110 commented 1 month ago


CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago

use copylist?????

yea copy list

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

that's literally slower. like if I want to type "DarkMemeGod", then why would I stop typing my command, type /copylist, copy the name, retype the command, and then paste >:(. also everyone wants this

just cuz u want it doesn't mean everyone wants it

CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago

u could just start by doing /copylist, copy the name, then do /ban [Ctrl v]

CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago

and only u want this

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

bruh its a quality of life feature to make commands easier to do. I don't want to use 2 commands. also Aaron agreed to this and 3-0 vote. and the cherry on top is that mc has it


CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago


cs6413110 commented 1 month ago

Sorry guys, but I'm voting yes on this.

Well if he says yes then I'm good with it

cs6413110 commented 1 month ago

Coupling with upgraded pause menu