cs6413110 / Pixel-Tanks

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bread v 3foe #587

Closed 3foe closed 1 month ago

3foe commented 1 month ago


bread stay out bc im talking to aaron rn, I don't have another way. if you close you are a Chihuahua. bradley kicked and banned me 2 times muted me twice for saying "join me and you will never lose" to new players a player says p1ss off and he does nothing he kicked me like 17 times

so can u do something remember the 'strategy' ur therapist gave for when ur friends are being jerks ik what it is bc he sent the email to me AGAIN instead of dad lol, try to take care of this, yes I was using the USB glitch but I was only using it so that the new players could beat bradley bc he's light years better. that's why ii said join me and u will become unkillable and he muted me for it

3foe commented 1 month ago

dmg thumbed up and he was there so that is a testament that yes this happened and I was helping new players

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

ur abusing a bug that allows you to become invincible and ur abusing it against new players & us. we have full rights to ban u. maybe if u reloaded ur tab then we can talk. also like I'm not fighting them. they are all my friends lol.

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

I don't want wars, its the last day so Stap, I might not go here next year and the pointless Arguing is driving me insane

3foe commented 1 month ago

dont care i was letting them join my team so I could USB buff them, you are not in charge and I said Aaron only kindly delete ur comment unless you think that what you said changes anything.

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

anyway @cs6413110 reboot the auth servers so flat can shut about his usb glitch

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

stop abusing anything to help anybody. ur interfering with a fragile ecosystem

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

what are auth servers?

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

idk but u have to reload when they apear. causes the no token thingy aswell.

3foe commented 1 month ago

umm u are and kindly delete all ur comments bc, I'm not here for another bradly v me war that only results in aaron having to see a fricking therapist, bradley u are making aaron literally have trama he has a therapist because of the problems you have don to my relationship with Aaron. please kindly delete ur comments

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

umm u are and kindly delete all ur comments bc, I'm not here for another bradly v me war that only results in aaron having to see a fricking therapist, bradley u are making aaron literally have trama he has a therapist because of the problems you have don to my relationship with Aaron. please kindly delete ur comments

wait that happened? sheesh,

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

how about delete ur tab with video proof then u can be unbanned and this can be closed :)

3foe commented 1 month ago

also i said i just want to use it till 7th period its not like I wm intending to use it ever again, the main point of finding a USB glitch was to survive your /target so this is a direct result of your /target command you added with out permission, also I am not appearing to you, also its not a tab glitch

3foe commented 1 month ago

also im not done with what you did, Aaron has trama because of you I hope you know that

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

wait Aaron has trauma?

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

bruh a whole issue that ppl agreed on was made specifically made FOR /target

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago


3foe commented 1 month ago

you act like you have equal power to aaron you don't. and DMG yes he has trama and ptsd from breadly trying to jump on my case that's why he has a therapist. (technically family thereapist but all of our family problems is bc aaron is constantly in the middle bradley and whoever he is attacking he is always in a lose lose situation)

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

I have more power than u tho so like ez?

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

don't you think that the pointless arguments are causing Aaron's trauma? so stap

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

also wdym Aaron has a therapist lol?

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

just close the tab

3foe commented 1 month ago

it's not a tab glitch

3foe commented 1 month ago

now kindly delete ur comments bc aaron doent need more ptsd from u

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

EVERYONE STOP. its making me go insane. THe pointless arguments

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

I unbanned you join

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago

Stop fighting, there is no point to prove, all this is gonna do is drive everyone into madness, and I am already there

3foe commented 1 month ago

i am only keeping this open cuz I agree with the bread bullyism

3foe commented 1 month ago

bruh who renamed this this is just for Aaron, but bread is saying that he was right to assult me I'm remake this bc this ISNT PVP I just wanted to talk to aaron but yall wont let a private convo exist

DarkMemeGod411 commented 1 month ago
