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Replace argument parser #54

Open csMACnz opened 8 years ago

csMACnz commented 8 years ago

The error messaging from the argument parser isn't very good. if you have --repoToken -o output.xml (ie missing token value) it tries to parse the -o as the value, then fails with a usage error when it tries to process output.xml as valid.

Lets replace with a new library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/491595/best-way-to-parse-command-line-arguments-in-c http://blog.simontimms.com/2014/07/09/parsing-command-line-arguments-in-c/

too many options:

csMACnz commented 8 years ago

I'm ruling out Command Line Parser (http://commandline.codeplex.com/) since it doesn't handle missing arguments any better than docopt.net does. It also requires every argument to have a shortname, which I do not want for some args.

It does seem to support mutually exclusive, though.

csMACnz commented 8 years ago

Mono.Options seems to have the same problem as docopt that empty/missing argument values get populated with the name of the next argument string, rather than an empty value. This is no better than what I have.

Not a fan, the syntax is a bit awkward as well.

csMACnz commented 6 years ago

starting building my own. WIP but will use when ready. https://github.com/csMACnz/consolable