csabaiBio / elte_ml_journal_club

Machine learning journal club
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2022.11.17. #112

Closed bbeatrix closed 1 year ago

bbeatrix commented 1 year ago

Dear All!

We will meet again on Thursday from 16:00 in person at ELTE and online on this new link: https://meet.google.com/fvd-soiu-ent.

We already have two presenters for this week: Borkovits Bendegúz (@borbende) will present a paper on Half-UNet and the other presenter will be Godó Dániel (@gd4ni96), he will talk about machine unlearning.

Those who have booked a presentation slot in advance, please do not forget to indicate in time what the presentation will be about. In the upcoming weeks we still have room for presentations, let us know if any of you is willing to present something!

Best wishes, Bea

borbende commented 1 year ago

Beatrix asked me to include some general information about image segmentation in my presentation. Here are a couple useful links, that I used to gain said information, since I was newly introduced to this topic: https://towardsdatascience.com/image-segmentation-part-1-9f3db1ac1c50 https://towardsdatascience.com/image-segmentation-part-2-8959b609d268 https://data-flair.training/blogs/image-segmentation-machine-learning/

I will also talk about different versions of the U-Net architecture for introduction and comparison purposes. Here are a few good summaries on said topic: https://towardsdatascience.com/review-u-net-biomedical-image-segmentation-d02bf06ca760 https://towardsdatascience.com/biomedical-image-segmentation-unet-991d075a3a4b

gd4ni96 commented 1 year ago

Dear All!

Because of unfortunate events I won't be able to hold my presentation tomorrow. I have already talked with Bea about this but she asked me to provide this information to you via github as well. I will present the machine unlearning paper next week if there is still free time slot for it.

Dudgit commented 1 year ago

If anyone needs it I can offer my place. I already did both of my presentations so it's not that important to me.

bbeatrix commented 1 year ago

So far, next week we will have two presenters then, @gd4ni96, and @Dudgit, I've just updated the schedule accordingly. @Dudgit please send us the topic of your presentation until next week Monday.