csabaiBio / elte_ml_journal_club

Machine learning journal club
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2023.03.23. #119

Closed bbeatrix closed 1 year ago

bbeatrix commented 1 year ago

Dear All,

If you would like to present something this week on Thursday's jurnal club, please let us know by commenting on this issue. I missed the previous week's session, but I guess if there is no other topic, we can still continue the discussion about the GPTs. For instance, here is a new paper about the labor market impact potential of Large Language Models like the GPTs, with some interesting results/conclusions: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.10130.pdf.

Best wishes, Bea

icsabai commented 1 year ago

Last time I have suggested that those who use chatGPT/copilot actively for coding or other activities may give report on experiences and/or a short practical tutorial. Also there are tons of interesting papers at the suggestion section to be presented ...

The preprint @bbeatrix sent made me think that if ChatGPT et al can take most of the jobs it is time to start to design a better society, the long wished for utopia where robots work and we can enjoy ourselves. Somehow we should avoid that few companies/people swallow all the profit and masses get unemployed without income. This sounds difficult, so we may ask ChatGPT how to do this ...

icsabai commented 1 year ago

I just got in the news, an application for today's topic, Nerf or similar. Ants reconstructed in 3D:

Btw, the success of Cryo-EM (Nobel prize 2017) , that is used for high-res protein 3D structures also depend on such 3D reconstruction technology.