csaftoiu / yahoo-groups-backup

A python script to backup the contents of private Yahoo! groups.
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NOTE: Failed to render the following messages from the raw email data. They may not have rendered properly. #33

Open vielmetti opened 8 years ago

vielmetti commented 8 years ago

My mailing list (2000+ messages, dating to 1998) successfully downloaded, and I built a static site from it. Alas it seems to have missed a batch of messages with this error above.

How to figure out what went wrong, and how to fix?

csaftoiu commented 8 years ago

Ah so in the process of building the static site, the renderer attempts to get the raw email data (as in the bytes sent out by a mail client) and render the HTML message from there. Sometimes this is not possible, mostly because yahoo only provides the first 64kb of each message. In these cases it falls back on the rendered version Yahoo provides, which is processed in various ways.

This error message tells you which messages it had to rely on yahoo's fallback for. So they should still be there, but they may not look ideal. Can you take a look through them on the static site and see if anything is horribly out of place?

lancesnead commented 7 years ago

I got the same error for 200-300 messages out of 12,000. I spot checked around 20-30 messages that errored and they still displayed properly in the static site dump.