if (win.global.history && win.global.history.go) {
// FIXME: I would prefer to call app transition, but this doesn't clean the history stack
// this breaks the back button on the list, making it go back to edit view, instead of home
// viewWidget.app.transitionToView(event.target, { target: 'requestList', reverse: 'true' });
Talking to Ed, I think we need to try to create a CustomHistory controller that looks at the stack and checks if the nextView has being visited before and if it has then clean the history stack so the next history.back() call then it goes to the original view that was before the new View in this App the "home"
if (win.global.history && win.global.history.go) { win.global.history.go(-2); // FIXME: I would prefer to call app transition, but this doesn't clean the history stack // this breaks the back button on the list, making it go back to edit view, instead of home // viewWidget.app.transitionToView(event.target, { target: 'requestList', reverse: 'true' }); }
Talking to Ed, I think we need to try to create a CustomHistory controller that looks at the stack and checks if the nextView has being visited before and if it has then clean the history stack so the next history.back() call then it goes to the original view that was before the new View in this App the "home"