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Issue with broadcasting (3, 1) and (3,) tensors #1788

Closed IvanYashchuk closed 2 years ago

IvanYashchuk commented 2 years ago

🐛 Describe the bug

Is this a bug in the nvFuser or the code below is invalid? I think the code is valid, I translated the trace of torch._refs.add to nvFuser Python API calls. There's no error with ATen execution.

import torch

from torch._C._nvfuser import Fusion, FusionDefinition

# Construct and Define Fusion
fusion = Fusion()

with FusionDefinition(fusion) as fd :
    t0 = fd.define_tensor(2)
    t1 = fd.define_tensor(1)


    t0_b = fd.Ops.broadcast_in_dim(t0, [3, 3], [0, 1])
    t1_b = fd.Ops.broadcast_in_dim(t1, [3, 3], [1])
    t2 = fd.Ops.add(t0_b, t1_b)



# Execute Fusion
input1 = torch.ones(3, 1, device='cuda')
input2 = torch.ones(3, device='cuda')

fusion.execute([input1, input2])

fusion.execute call raises

RuntimeError: Attempting to bind T0.size[1] to 3but it's already set to 1



jjsjann123 commented 2 years ago

Oops, this should work.

Expand to concrete size was added pretty recently, we can double check expand as well as broadcast_in_dim first.

IvanYashchuk commented 2 years ago

I just realized that broadcast_in_dim is Python bindings only thing, but I was able to get the same error with a normal broadcast call. I will post the C++ variant of the code shortly.

IvanYashchuk commented 2 years ago

Here's the Python script using broadcast instead of broadcast_in_dim:

import torch

from torch._C._nvfuser import Fusion, FusionDefinition

# Construct and Define Fusion
fusion = Fusion()

with FusionDefinition(fusion) as fd :
    t0 = fd.define_tensor(2)
    t1 = fd.define_tensor(1)


    t0_b = fd.Ops.broadcast(t0, [False, False]) # using broadcast instead of broadcast_in_dim
    t1_b = fd.Ops.broadcast(t1, [True, False])
    t2 = fd.Ops.add(t0_b, t1_b)



# Execute Fusion
input1 = torch.ones(3, 1, device='cuda')
input2 = torch.ones(3, device='cuda')

fusion.execute([input1, input2])

It fails with the same error RuntimeError: Attempting to bind T0.size[1] to 3but it's already set to 1. But C++ test fails with a different error message:

C++ exception with description "false INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "/home/iyashchuk/dev/pytorch/master/torch/csrc/jit/codegen/cuda/executor.cpp":236, please report a bug to PyTorch. Allocations must be based on constant integers for local memory. However, found: T3_l[ iS15{T0.size[0]}, bS6{1} ], T2_l[ iS11{T0.size[0]}, iS12{T0.size[1]} ],  have dynamic allocations but are placed in local memory.
Exception raised from compileFusion at /home/iyashchuk/dev/pytorch/master/torch/csrc/jit/codegen/cuda/executor.cpp:236 (most recent call first):
TEST_F(NVFuserTest, FusionBroadcastVectors_CUDA) {
  Fusion fusion;
  FusionGuard fg(&fusion);

  TensorView* t0 = makeSymbolicTensor(2);
  TensorView* t1 = makeSymbolicTensor(1);
  TensorView* t0_b = broadcast(t0, {false, false});
  TensorView* t1_b = broadcast(t1, {true, false});
  TensorView* t2 = add(t0_b, t1_b);

  auto options = at::TensorOptions().dtype(at::kFloat).device(at::kCUDA, 0);
  auto input0 = at::randn({3, 1}, options);
  auto input1 = at::randn({3}, options);
  auto aten_output = at::add(input0, input1);

  FusionExecutor fe;
  fe.compileFusion(&fusion, {input0, input1});
  auto cg_outputs = fe.runFusion({input0, input1});

  testValidate(&fusion, cg_outputs, {input0, input1}, {aten_output}, __LINE__, __FILE__);
jjsjann123 commented 2 years ago

Broadcasting on t0 doesn't look right to me... to repro the original problem, you might need to use expand instead. Let me take a quick look there as well.

IvanYashchuk commented 2 years ago

Okay, broadcasting on t0 isn't needed actually. The error is raised also with t2 = add(t0, t1_b).

shmsong commented 2 years ago

Looks like this logic is flipped. What's the semantic for broadcast_in_dim supposed to be? Does [1] mean the axis 1 is broadcasted or non-broadcasted?


shmsong commented 2 years ago

This worked for me on TOT for example:

import torch

from torch._C._nvfuser import Fusion, FusionDefinition

# Construct and Define Fusion
fusion = Fusion()

with FusionDefinition(fusion) as fd :
    t0 = fd.define_tensor(2)
    t1 = fd.define_tensor(1)


    t1_b = fd.Ops.broadcast_in_dim(t1, [3, 3], [0]) # 1 -> 0
    t2 = fd.Ops.add(t0, t1_b)



# Execute Fusion
input1 = torch.ones(3, 1, device='cuda')
input2 = torch.ones(3, device='cuda')

fusion.execute([input1, input2])
shmsong commented 2 years ago

I believe eager mode interpreted this as an implicit broadcast on axis 1, input1 = torch.ones(3, 1, device='cuda') and this should somehow be reflected on our fusion definition without seeing the actual input, if that was the original intention.

jjsjann123 commented 2 years ago

Something is wrong with broadcast_in_dim... The sample python code runs fine without error, but it returns the output tensor not expanded to the right size. print(out[0].shape)

  T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i2} ], float
  T1_g[ iS2{i3} ], float
  T3_g[ iS5{i0}, iS6{i2} ], float

%kernel_math {
T2_l[ iS3{i3}, bS4{1} ]
   = broadcast( T1_g[ iS2{i3} ] )
T3_g[ iS5{i0}, iS6{i2} ]
   = T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i2} ]
   + T2_l[ iS3{i3}, bS4{1} ];

torch.Size([3, 1])
shmsong commented 2 years ago

So we want output size to be [3,3]?

In that case I believe we need to make T0[I, B] instead of T0[I,I], currently the fusion definition is saying T0 is a concrete tensor of size[3,1].

The iS1 in T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i2} ] is symbolic shaped so there's no indication that it could be a broadcast.

Do we currently support creating tensors with broadcast axes with define_tensor ?

jjsjann123 commented 2 years ago

t0 = fd.define_tensor([3, 1], [1, 1]) (for some reason -1 for size is not supported yet).

hmmm. even that doesn't work, since I don't see expand in the kernel math...

jjsjann123 commented 2 years ago

I guess this is expected, since broadcast_in_dim only does broadcast at this moment, but not expand to the right size. https://github.com/csarofeen/pytorch/blob/devel/torch/csrc/jit/codegen/cuda/python_frontend/python_bindings.cpp#L606-L635

jjsjann123 commented 2 years ago

I'll patch this. Self assigned.

jjsjann123 commented 2 years ago

Just got it patched.

IvanYashchuk commented 2 years ago

Maybe there should be a squeeze operation first to remove dimensions with 1 shape and then use broadcast. This code works as expected without using expand:

In [10]: import torch
    ...: from torch._C._nvfuser import Fusion, FusionDefinition
    ...: # Construct and Define Fusion
    ...: fusion = Fusion()
    ...: with FusionDefinition(fusion) as fd :
    ...:     t0 = fd.define_tensor(1)
    ...:     t1 = fd.define_tensor(1)
    ...:     fd.add_input(t0)
    ...:     fd.add_input(t1)
    ...:     t0_b = fd.Ops.broadcast(t0, [False, True])
    ...:     t1_b = fd.Ops.broadcast(t1, [True, False])
    ...:     t2 = fd.Ops.add(t0_b, t1_b)
    ...:     fd.add_output(t2)
    ...: fusion.print_ir()
    ...: # Execute Fusion
    ...: input1 = torch.ones(3, device='cuda')
    ...: input2 = torch.ones(3, device='cuda')
    ...: fusion.execute([input1, input2])
  T0_g[ iS0{i0} ], float
  T1_g[ iS1{i2} ], float
  T4_g[ iS6{i0}, iS7{i2} ], float

%kernel_math {
T2_l[ iS2{i0}, bS3{1} ]
   = broadcast( T0_g[ iS0{i0} ] )
T3_l[ bS4{1}, iS5{i2} ]
   = broadcast( T1_g[ iS1{i2} ] )
T4_g[ iS6{i0}, iS7{i2} ]
   = T2_l[ iS2{i0}, bS3{1} ]
   + T3_l[ bS4{1}, iS5{i2} ];

[tensor([[2., 2., 2.],
         [2., 2., 2.],
         [2., 2., 2.]], device='cuda:0')]
jjsjann123 commented 2 years ago

We shouldn't need to add squeeze, expand can work on broadcasted dimension (size-1).