csarofeen / pytorch

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TIMM Stride Vectorization Error #1843

Closed rdspring1 closed 1 year ago

rdspring1 commented 2 years ago

🐛 Describe the bug

Fusion fails with fallback path with channels_last + amp + batch_size > 1

Steps to reproduce: PYTORCH_NVFUSER_DISABLE_FALLBACK=1 python benchmark.py --bench train --model rexnet_100 --img-size 224 -b 2 --amp --torchscript --channels-last --no-retry

Failing networks:

General Error:

RuntimeError: stride == cur_contig_stride || size == 1 || (still_rightmost && stride == 1) || (!still_rightmost && stride % word_size == 0) INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "../torch/csrc/jit/codegen/cuda/executor_utils.cpp":591, please report a bug to PyTorch. Vectorization of T2_g[ iS128{( ceilDiv(( ceilDiv(( ceilDiv(( T0.size[0] * ( T0.size[1] * ( T0.size[2] * T0.size[3] ) ) ), 4) ), 1) ), 128) )}, iS127{1}, iS125{4}, iS129{128} ] with word size **XXX** not possible due to invalid stride. Domain: iS125{4}, stride: **XXX**


  1. nvfuser devel branch
rdspring1 commented 2 years ago

Python reproducer:

def issue_1843(x: torch.Tensor, s: torch.Tensor):
    return x.to(torch.float) + s.to(torch.float)

n = 2
h = w = 28
out_c = 61
in_c = 50
channels_last_permute_order = (0, 3, 2, 1)

# x => size = ([2, 61, 28, 28])  and strides = (47824, 1, 1708, 61)
x = torch.randn(n, h, w, out_c, dtype=torch.half, device='cuda').permute(channels_last_permute_order)

# s => size = [2, 50, 28, 28] and strides = (39200, 1, 1400, 50)
s = torch.randn(n, h, w, in_c, dtype=torch.half, device='cuda').permute(channels_last_permute_order)

x_hat = x[:, :in_c, :, :]
for _ in range(5):
    output = issue_1843(x_hat, s)

Torchscript graph:

with prim::CudaFusionGroup_0 = graph(%4 : Half(2, 50, 28, 28, strides=[39200, 1, 1400, 50], requires_grad=0, device=cuda:0),
       %8 : Half(2, 50, 28, 28, strides=[47824, 1, 1708, 61], requires_grad=0, device=cuda:0)):
   %2 : int = prim::Constant[value=1]()
   %10 : bool = prim::Constant[value=0]()
   %9 : bool = prim::Constant[value=1]()
   %11 : Float(2, 50, 28, 28, strides=[39200, 1, 1400, 50], requires_grad=0, device=cuda:0) = aten::_autocast_to_full_precision(%8, %9, %10)
   %7 : Float(2, 50, 28, 28, strides=[39200, 1, 1400, 50], requires_grad=0, device=cuda:0) = aten::_autocast_to_full_precision(%4, %9, %10)
   %3 : Float(2, 50, 28, 28, strides=[39200, 1, 1400, 50], requires_grad=0, device=cuda:0) = aten::add(%11, %7, %2) # /home/rds4/timm/timm/models/rexnet.py:97:27


T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i2}, iS2{i3}, iS3{i4} ] __half
T2_g[ iS8{i13}, iS9{i14}, iS10{i15}, iS11{i16} ] __half
T6_g[ iS24{i13}, iS25{i14}, iS26{i15}, iS27{i16} ] float

T3_l[ iS12{i13}, iS13{i14}, iS14{i15}, iS15{i16} ]
   = __half2float(T2_g[ iS8{i13}, iS9{i14}, iS10{i15}, iS11{i16} ]);
T4_l[ iS16{i13}, iS17{i14}, iS18{i15}, iS19{i16} ]
   = T3_l[ iS12{i13}, iS13{i14}, iS14{i15}, iS15{i16} ];
T1_l[ iS4{i0}, iS5{i2}, iS6{i3}, iS7{i4} ]
   = __half2float(T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i2}, iS2{i3}, iS3{i4} ]);
T5_l[ iS20{i0}, iS21{i2}, iS22{i3}, iS23{i4} ]
   = T1_l[ iS4{i0}, iS5{i2}, iS6{i3}, iS7{i4} ];
T6_g[ iS24{i13}, iS25{i14}, iS26{i15}, iS27{i16} ]
   = T4_l[ iS16{i13}, iS17{i14}, iS18{i15}, iS19{i16} ]
   + T5_l[ iS20{i0}, iS21{i2}, iS22{i3}, iS23{i4} ];
naoyam commented 2 years ago

It seems that the validation failure is a true failure.

Running the repro with PYTORCH_NVFUSER_DUMP=fusion_args:

Arguments for fusion1:
  Half [2, 28, 28, 50] (strides = [39200, 1400, 50, 1])
  Half [2, 28, 28, 50] (strides = [47824, 1708, 61, 1])

The executor failure happens with the second argument as it can't vectorized with vector width being 2. The executor validation checks the strides of all dimensions, which is necessary, whereas the pointwise scheduler only looks at the domain extent of the inner-most domain, which is 50, so it determines it's safe to vectorize it by 2, which isn't really safe as the stride is 61.

To fix this, the scheduler should also need to look at domain strides. If for some reason we don't want to use the actual stride values to determine a vectorization width, we would need to make a conservative decision by disabling vectorization if the next (left) domain is not contiguous.

Can we use actual stride values rather than just contiguous or not when determining the vectorization strategy? https://github.com/csarofeen/pytorch/blob/devel/torch/csrc/jit/codegen/cuda/scheduler/registry.cpp#L576-L667

Pinging @shmsong @csarofeen

csarofeen commented 2 years ago

Need to fix vectorization: registry.cpp checking for vectorization

  1. Need to take into consideration all contiguity flags, so we need to check all dims are contiguous if we're to vectorize the tensor.
  2. This should ignore dimensions if: size==1, stride==0, reduction, or broadcast dimension
  3. Need to line up input tensor contiguity to also follow this rule, so that dimensions like this are marked as non-contiguous, but dimensions outside of it should ignore those settings
csarofeen commented 2 years ago

@zasdfgbnm could you take a look at this issue?

rdspring1 commented 1 year ago

As of 10/4/2022, these are the TIMM benchmarks which are failing:

  1. cait_m36_384
  2. gmlp_s16_224
  3. convit_base
  4. convnext_base
  5. swin_base_patch4_window7_224
  6. tnt_s_patch16_224
  7. volo_d1_224
jjsjann123 commented 1 year ago

hugging face is also seeing a lot of these from our devel branch :cry:

zasdfgbnm commented 1 year ago

This is long overdue. Let me see if I can get a fix today.

zasdfgbnm commented 1 year ago

A smaller C++ repro

TEST_F(NVFuserTest, FusionVectorizeStrideContiguity_CUDA) {
  std::unique_ptr<Fusion> fusion_ptr = std::make_unique<Fusion>();
  auto fusion = fusion_ptr.get();
  FusionGuard fg(fusion);

  TensorView* tv0 =
      TensorViewBuilder().ndims(2).contiguity({false, true}).build();
  auto tv1 = set(tv0);

  auto options = at::TensorOptions().dtype(kFloat).device(at::kCUDA, 0);
  at::Tensor t0 = at::randn({1000000, 17}, options).narrow(1, 0, 16);

  FusionExecutorCache fec(std::move(fusion_ptr));
  auto cg_outputs = fec.runFusionWithInputs({t0});


  testValidate(fusion, cg_outputs, {t0}, {t0}, __LINE__, __FILE__);
jjsjann123 commented 1 year ago

I'm still seeing this error popping up. I'm still working on getting a clean repro for you guys to act on. Meanwhile, want to have the issue re-open so we know what's coming.

Somehow a standalone kernel with the right input doesn't trigger the failure. The original error comes from a segmented graph. I tried to mimic it with a python example (with nvprim, which should give us the same code path), but that didn't give me the segmented kernel.

Here's the failed graph:

Segmented_Fusion Dump: -- fusion segments:
g{0, 2, 3, 4, 5}

g{1, 6, 7}

e{ g{0, 2, 3, 4, 5}
 -> g{1, 6, 7}
(T7_g[ iS14{i0}, bS15{32128} ]) }

group details:
T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i1} ] float
i0 int64_t
T7_g[ iS14{i0}, bS15{32128} ] float

T2_l[ iS4{i0}, iS5{i1} ]
   = T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i1} ];
T4_g[ iS8{i0}, rS9{i1} ]
   = reduction( T2_l[ iS4{i0}, iS5{i1} ], op = add, initial value = double(0), allreduce = false )
T5_g[ iS10{i0}, bS11{1} ]
   = broadcast( T4_g[ iS8{i0}, rS9{i1} ] )
T6_l[ iS12{i0}, bS13{1} ]
   = T5_g[ iS10{i0}, bS11{1} ];
T7_g[ iS14{i0}, bS15{32128} ] = expand( T6_l[ iS12{i0}, bS13{1} ], {i0, 32128} )

T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i1} ] float
T1_g[ iS2{i3}, iS3{i4} ] float
T7_g[ iS14{i0}, bS15{32128} ] float
T9_g[ iS18{i0}, iS19{i1} ] float

T3_g[ iS6{i3}, iS7{i4} ]
   = expf(T1_g[ iS2{i3}, iS3{i4} ]);
T8_g[ iS16{i3}, iS17{i4} ]
   = T3_g[ iS6{i3}, iS7{i4} ]
   * T7_g[ iS14{i0}, bS15{32128} ];
T9_g[ iS18{i0}, iS19{i1} ]
   = T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i1} ]
   - T8_g[ iS16{i3}, iS17{i4} ];

} //Segmented_Fusion

Inputs fed to the original kernels are

tensor dtype: float sizes: (4096, 32128, ) stride: (32128, 1, ) pointer: 0x7f2ccc000000
tensor dtype: float sizes: (4096, 32128, ) stride: (32128, 1, ) pointer: 0x7f2c2c000000

My python example so far is:

import torch

t1 = torch.empty(4096, 32128, device="cuda")
t0 = torch.empty(4096, 32128, device="cuda")

def func(t1, t0):
    t7 = t1.sum((1,), True)
    t3 = t1.exp()
    t8 = t3 * t7
    t = t0 - t8
    return t

from torch.fx.experimental.proxy_tensor import make_fx
from torch._decomp import get_decompositions
from torch._prims.executor import execute

from torch._prims.context import TorchRefsNvfuserCapabilityMode, TorchRefsMode
with TorchRefsNvfuserCapabilityMode():
    gm = make_fx(func)(t1, t0)
out = execute(gm, t1, t0, executor="nvfuser")
print(out[0].shape, out[0].stride())

it gives an un-segmented fusion:

Segmented_Fusion Dump: -- fusion segments:
g{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}


group details:
T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i1} ] float
T1_g[ iS2{i3}, iS3{i4} ] float
T9_g[ iS18{i3}, iS19{i4} ] float

T5_l[ iS10{i0}, iS11{i1} ]
   = expf(T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i1} ]);
T2_l[ iS4{i0}, iS5{i1} ]
   = T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i1} ];
T3_l[ iS6{i0}, rS7{i1} ]
   = reduction( T2_l[ iS4{i0}, iS5{i1} ], op = add, initial value = double(0), allreduce = false )
T4_l[ iS8{i0}, bS9{1} ]
   = broadcast( T3_l[ iS6{i0}, rS7{i1} ] )
T6_l[ iS12{i0}, bS13{1} ]
   = T4_l[ iS8{i0}, bS9{1} ];
T7_l[ iS14{i0}, bS15{32128} ] = expand( T6_l[ iS12{i0}, bS13{1} ], {i0, 32128} )
T8_l[ iS16{i0}, iS17{i1} ]
   = T5_l[ iS10{i0}, iS11{i1} ]
   * T7_l[ iS14{i0}, bS15{32128} ];
T9_g[ iS18{i3}, iS19{i4} ]
   = T1_g[ iS2{i3}, iS3{i4} ]
   - T8_l[ iS16{i0}, iS17{i1} ];

} //Segmented_Fusion

Arguments for fusion1:
tensor dtype: float sizes: (4096, 32128, ) stride: (32128, 1, ) pointer: 0x7fda5c000000
tensor dtype: float sizes: (4096, 32128, ) stride: (32128, 1, ) pointer: 0x7fda3c000000

Note that the nvprim thing also produces wrong output... Since the graph looks fine, I'm uncertain where that issue is coming from.

My next step is to look at the primtorch traced fx graph and figure out if there's anything I missed.

zasdfgbnm commented 1 year ago

@jjsjann123 Is this a new error after merging https://github.com/csarofeen/pytorch/pull/2035, or is it an error that already existed before that?

jjsjann123 commented 1 year ago

This errors out on both before and after merging #2035, so I guess the fix is just not clean. I think I'm really close to get a cpp repro now. :crossed_fingers:

jjsjann123 commented 1 year ago

@zasdfgbnm Here you go: https://github.com/csarofeen/pytorch/blob/9d35779e6d226220f721b409ab7cc824830349aa/torch/csrc/jit/codegen/cuda/test/test_gpu3.cpp#L6443-L6474

There's some funny bits with how segmentation works... I'm getting a little bit nervous of why I can't repro this without a segmented fusion. :cold_sweat:

zasdfgbnm commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the repro! Will take a look ASAP.

xsacha commented 1 year ago

I've pulled latest devel branch but am still getting this: Arguments for fusion3: Inputs: tensor dtype: float sizes: (294912, 1, ) stride: (1, 1, ) pointer: 000000070CF40000 tensor dtype: float sizes: (294912, 1, ) stride: (1, 1, ) pointer: 000000070CE20000 tensor dtype: float sizes: (294912, 1, ) stride: (4, 4, ) pointer: 000000070C9A0008 tensor dtype: float sizes: (294912, 1, ) stride: (4, 4, ) pointer: 000000070C9A0000 Outputs: Launch Parameters: BlockDim.x = 128, BlockDim.y = -1, BlockDim.z = -1, GridDim.x = -1, GridDim.y = -1, GridDim.z = -1, Smem Size = 0 The following operation failed in the TorchScript interpreter. Traceback of TorchScript (most recent call last): RuntimeError: stride == cur_contig_stride || size == 1 || is_expanded_broadcasting || (still_rightmost && stride == 1) || (!still_rightmost && stride % word_size == 0) INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "C:\work\pytorch\torch\csrc\jit\codegen\cuda\executor_utils.cpp":625, please report a bug to PyTorch. Vectorization of T2_g[ iS125{( ceilDiv(( ceilDiv(( ceilDiv(( T0.size[0] 1 ), 2) ), 1) ), 128) )}, iS124{1}, iS122{2}, iS126{128} ] with word size 2 not possible due to invalid stride. Domain: iS125{( ceilDiv(( ceilDiv(( ceilDiv(( T0.size[0] 1 ), 2) ), 1) ), 128) )}, stride: 4 torchscript.txt

deepindeed2022 commented 1 year ago

Same RuntimeError at detectron2/tests/test_export_torchscript.py

RuntimeError: The following operation failed in the TorchScript interpreter.
Traceback of TorchScript (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: stride == cur_contig_stride || size == 1 || (still_rightmost && stride == 1) || (!still_rightmost && stride % word_size == 0) INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "../torch/csrc/jit/codegen/cuda/executor_utils.cpp":623, please report a bug to PyTorch. Vectorization of T3_g[ iS97{( ceilDiv(( ceilDiv(( ceilDiv(( T0.size[0] * 1 ), 2) ), 1) ), 128) )}, iS96{1}, iS94{2}, iS98{128} ] with word size 2 not possible due to invalid stride. Domain: iS97{( ceilDiv(( ceilDiv(( ceilDiv(( T0.size[0] * 1 ), 2) ), 1) ), 128) )}, stride: 4