csbhr / Self-Blind-VSR

This repository is the official implementation of our TPAMI paper : Self-Supervised Deep Blind Video Super-Resolution
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Why does the loss decrease during training, but the PSNR value gets lower? #6

Open Joeytime opened 3 months ago

Joeytime commented 3 months ago

(1) I replaced different training sets, and this problem always occurred during training. The loss has been decreasing, but the highest PSNR value is often the beginning epoch.

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(2) Why is the input for training here the '../dataset/REDS/train/HR' folder? --train --HR --video 1 --frame 1 --frame 2 : --video 2
--video n

def set_template(args): if args.template == 'Self_Blind_VSR_Gaussian': args.task = "FlowVideoSR" args.model = "PWC_Recons" args.save = "Self_Blind_VSR_Gaussian" args.data_train = 'REDS_BLURDOWN_GAUSSIAN' args.dir_data = '../dataset/REDS/train' args.data_test = 'REDS_HRLR' args.dir_data_test = '../dataset/REDS4_BlurDown_Gaussian' args.HR_in = False args.scale = 4 args.patch_size = 160 args.n_sequence = 5 args.n_frames_per_video = 50 args.n_feat = 128 args.extra_RBS = 3 args.recons_RBS = 20 args.ksize = 13 args.loss = '1*L1' args.lr = 1e-4 args.lr_decay = 100 args.save_middle_models = True args.save_images = False args.epochs = 500 args.batch_size = 8 If I replace it with LR, there will be a patch size problem.

qqhe-frank commented 2 months ago

I having the same first problem where the losses are going down, but the metrics are going down just as much. I guessing the reason for this is that the reconstruction network doesn't really learn during the training process, but rather amounts to a residual shortcut that leads to worse and worse PSNR results.

SaeedNowrouzian commented 2 months ago

I am having trouble installing and running this code. If possible, friends who have successfully implemented the code. Write the requirements.txt file and type of operating system.