csce3513 / Team17

Team 17 repository
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User Stories #1

Closed aclawrence closed 12 years ago

aclawrence commented 12 years ago

As a level designer, I want to be able to make custom levels easily As the user, I want to move the character using the WASD (or arrow) keys As the user, I want to have a engaging level that I can explore As the user, I want to find new ways to explore the level As the user, I want to have a menu system to begin and pause the game As the user, I want to have checkpoints or saves As the user, I want to be able to shoot/slash enemies As the user, I want to upgrade and discover new weapons/abilities As the user, I want to have a grappling hook aimed with the mouse As the user, I want to design weapons via in-game crafting As the user, I want to find collectibles and crafting materials through exploration and secrets

dvcraig commented 12 years ago

These issues split into multiple issue entries