This is the course project for CSCE585: ML Systems. Students will build their machine learning systems based on the provided infrastructure --- Athena.
My partner (Max Corbel) and I are looking for one or two teammates. Max has done research with neural networks before, specifically designing pattern recognition NN's. I have worked with facial recognition NN's before personally, and we both have a strong interest in machine learning. We are both seniors, Max is in Computer Science and I am in Computer Engineering. Comment here or email me at if you are interested!
My partner (Max Corbel) and I are looking for one or two teammates. Max has done research with neural networks before, specifically designing pattern recognition NN's. I have worked with facial recognition NN's before personally, and we both have a strong interest in machine learning. We are both seniors, Max is in Computer Science and I am in Computer Engineering. Comment here or email me at if you are interested!