cschlaffner / PROTzilla2

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Improve error handling to only handle specific errors, also print sta… #507

Closed henninggaertner closed 1 week ago

henninggaertner commented 2 weeks ago


fixes #505 Basically, improved the read_run function and the ErrorHandler wrapper. Now the stacktrace is printed if in debug mode, and also if a step cannot be read, a logging warning is produced, but the rest of the steps are read, preventing the yellow screen of death.


only in


Change the step_type of a valid run, or whatever you want to make the reading of that step fail, and see how that step does not appear in the run anymore, but the rest of the run is read correctly.

PR checklist



Code review

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Coverage report

Click to see where and how coverage changed

(new stmts)
Lines missing
  protzilla 20-21, 35, 114-116
  protzilla/methods 142
Project Total  

This report was generated by python-coverage-comment-action