cschleiden / azure-boards-estimate

Estimate - Planning Poker for Azure Boards
MIT License
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V2 : Feature Request : More Info per work item in an estimate session #34

Open RafaelKoch opened 5 years ago

RafaelKoch commented 5 years ago

Right now we can see the description of a work item. This is often not enough to decide what to vote. This would be helpful:

How do we work in V1? -> select from a query and start an estimate. In this query include epics and features together with the PBI/Bugs. Then at least the estimate list contains those in order and we are spared clicking too much. As for the Info on the PBI/Bug itselt: no solution but opening it in a new tab. So basically V2 looks like a step into the right direction, being totally awesome if this suggestion finds Your fancy :-)

bryder08 commented 5 years ago

Perhaps it would be useful to have options to show/hide the acceptance criteria and any other info affecting the layout?

mnbf9rca commented 5 years ago

just being able to click on teh item so it opens in a new tab woudl be a good start

cschleiden commented 5 years ago

You can click on the Id + Work Item Type to open in a dialog/new tab:


RafaelKoch commented 5 years ago

I know I can open a new Tab. That is what on V1 we did all the time. Now on V2 we still do because acceptance or repro is not shown.

The new layout is a great idea and much appreciated, so all the more desirable to follow through with it and get rid ov a navigation pain altogether :-)

cschleiden commented 5 years ago

This is difficult since work item types could have any shape or number of fields. For now the logic is to look at the Details page of a work item type and take the first HTML field on this page.

cschleiden commented 5 years ago

We could extend this to look at all HTML fields on Details...

RafaelKoch commented 5 years ago

Just had a quick bug estimate with the team today... had to open half of the bugs to see Acceptance Data.

And I have to add: Comments. We would also need the comments.

I am really not into TypeScript and the inner workings of Azure DevOps extensions, so no idea if I am really ruining Your mood here. Sorry for that :-)

mhalkyer commented 4 years ago

This would be a great addition. Perhaps a settings area where you can set which fields to show for each Work Item Type.