cschloss / consmod-urbanSim

Project management for the integration of the Conservation Module into UrbanSim
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Data Integration (Task1) #2

Open cschloss opened 6 years ago

cschloss commented 6 years ago

Data will be integrated so that it can be used to inform scenario development i.e., a user has an option to develop scenarios that limit impacts to natural and working lands). Data should be integrated in such a way that updates to the data for both land cover and metrics would be feasible to implement.

cschloss commented 6 years ago

Question for UrbanSim: In UrbanSim does this just involve having the data available, available + interpretation (quick text on how to use, why it’s important), or can a user set constraints based on a data layer and then do we need to provide thresholds?

If interpretation or thresholds are needed for scenario development constraints TNC (Carrie) can collaborate

cschloss commented 6 years ago

Next version will support raster, vector, and on-demand data to mapbox tile (users can upload data). This will NOT be implemented until February (target date). Base data will automatically be converted to mapbox tiles.
TNC will connect on data display and descriptions.