cschlosser / drone-ftps

Deploy to FTPS server from Drone CI build
Apache License 2.0
20 stars 16 forks source link

Timeout when PUT attempted on a 0 bytes file #11

Closed createandcode closed 6 years ago

createandcode commented 6 years ago

Hey @christophschlosser - thanks for this plugin!

Just getting up and running with Drone :)

The issue I'm experiencing is quite similar to this

My jobs are timing out after an hour.

As soon as I add something to the offending file the job can be completed.

Target ftp server is Pure-FTPD configured via CentMin Mod

Here's my .drone.yml

    image: cschlosser/drone-ftps
    hostname: snip
    secrets: [ ftp_username, ftp_password ]
    dest_dir: /foo/
    secure: true
    verify: false
    - ^\.git/$
    - ^\.gitignore$
    - ^\.drone.yml$```

Not sure if this is something that should be handled at the server end? 
Is there some way of ensuring the job completes or has a lower timeout value for failure?
cschlosser commented 6 years ago

Hey @createandcode :)

Thanks, really appreciated!

This is a problem with LFTP, the ftp client used by this plugin.

It was fixed in february but there has been no new release since october last year. Until there is a new release I guess we have to live with this.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help here.

There is of course always the possibility that someone designs a workaround for this plugin as described in Unfortunately I have no time at the moment to do this :( If you think you're up to it feel free to give it a shot!

createandcode commented 6 years ago

ah ok! I hadn't realized this plugin was actually using LFTP :)

No worries - for now I solved the issue by simply merging the empty file with a different file.

Re: workaround - it's probably a bit beyond my pay grade right now :)

Thanks for your work on this plugin - it works great!

SGTGunner commented 6 years ago

@createandcode and @christophschlosser. I don't have the issue as I forked the code and went and remove the lftp \ reference and then added the following line in the Dockerfile RUN apk add 'lftp>4.8.4' --updated-cache --repository All is working well now.

cschlosser commented 6 years ago

Using the alpine:edge base image this may not be necessary.

Maybe you could test the new image @SGTGunner @createandcode if it now works for you

cschlosser commented 6 years ago

As there's no reply I'm closing this.