As a metrics consumer
I want to be able to specify a callback resource to be triggered when a conditional threshold for a metric key's value is met
so that I can send alarms or notifications
Given that I have a callback resource
When I register the callback
Then I must specify condition for a metric key's value to trigger on
And my resource must be accessible by the Metrics Service
Given that my resource is not accessible at trigger time
When the service attempts to access my resource
Then the service will retry up to 3* times over a 10* minute period (**just random values)
Given that I have a callback registered
When my registered metric key's value exceeds the threshold value I've specified
Then I will receive a POST* to that resource given the key & value metric
Give that I have registered a callback resource
When I deregister my callback
Then I will no logger receive POSTs to my resource
As a metrics consumer I want to be able to specify a callback resource to be triggered when a conditional threshold for a metric key's value is met so that I can send alarms or notifications
Given that I have a callback resource When I register the callback Then I must specify condition for a metric key's value to trigger on And my resource must be accessible by the Metrics Service
Given that my resource is not accessible at trigger time When the service attempts to access my resource Then the service will retry up to 3* times over a 10* minute period (**just random values)
Given that I have a callback registered When my registered metric key's value exceeds the threshold value I've specified Then I will receive a POST* to that resource given the key & value metric
Give that I have registered a callback resource When I deregister my callback Then I will no logger receive POSTs to my resource
* Again, I assumed REST JSON style interface..