cschneid / irclogger

Sinatra based
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Times logged should be UTC #3

Open benlangfeld opened 13 years ago

benlangfeld commented 13 years ago

It would be useful to log messages in UTC and provide timezone offset in the views.

I would do this myself, but having looked through the code, I can't find the actual logger bot. The code in the bot branch appears to be non-production.

cschneid commented 13 years ago

Correct, the bot code in the branch is a mostly-done, but not live reworking of the bot code I have. The live site is still running the perl bot I borrowed from the #perl6 channel. (ilbot).

I'd like to finish up the ruby version of the bot, but it keeps getting put off.

cschneid commented 13 years ago

Also, the specific issue is valid. I'd like to do that, and have a settings page on

cschneid commented 13 years ago

Followup as a note to myself, tasks here are:

1) Settings page 2) Cookie based settings handler (jquery magic!) 3) Display times in correct offset (all JS I suppose... maybe using query string to be easier & do it server-side).