cschneid / irclogger

Sinatra based
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How does the database get populated with IRC? #6

Closed epitron closed 13 years ago

epitron commented 13 years ago

I know it seems like an obvious question, but there's no hint anywhere in the project's directory. :)

cschneid commented 13 years ago

Heh, it's a magic trick.

Specifically a perl magic trick that's not in the repo. I'm using to do the logging, this repo is front-end only.

There's a 75% done branch 'bot' that I should probably finish up at some point. Which has the logging bot in ruby.

And I plan on porting this whole project over to torquebox as an experiment. Which should be fun, and have the bot in process.

epitron commented 13 years ago

Hmm.. the ruby and the torquebox solutions sound a lot more complicated than throwing into the repo. Why not just do that? :)

cschneid commented 13 years ago

Yep, way overkill. But I wanna learn torquebox, and had them add a long-running-process feature to it last week, just for irclogger support (and because it's useful).

Expect to see things migrated over the next week or so.

cschneid commented 13 years ago

Ohh, and yeah, I'll throw ilbot into the repo too, so people can use the older, non-torquebox mode.... For those who don't want to spend 1+ gigs running a full java app server just to log irc.

epitron commented 13 years ago

You're too kind. ^_^

epitron commented 13 years ago

BTW, if you want to write really quick and easy Ruby IRC bots, there's a framework a friend wrote called Marvin. Here's a bot I wrote with it:

As you can see, you need almost no code. :)

andypiper commented 11 years ago

Did the Ruby IRC bot portion of this ever get written / published?

Any info on how to setup the database?

cschneid commented 11 years ago

There's a branch, but it's not done yet. As I commented on the other issue, I'll shift it up my TODO list, and see if I can get it done soonish.

andypiper commented 11 years ago


andypiper commented 11 years ago

actually currently hacking on Scribe which is Sinatra on the front with Isaac on the back, and a DB in the middle.