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(Unofficial) Gentoo Overlay for Sage- and Sage-related ebuilds
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building the doc #210

Closed kiwifb closed 9 years ago

kiwifb commented 11 years ago

It would be nice to have at least an experimental way of building the doc again. Plenty of work has been done upstream that we could try to leverage.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Well the doc can be built in parallel now. I have an experimental sage-doc ebuild but it mysteriously stale after the first pass. It does all en/reference and hangs. Very frustrating.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

It is bizarre, it looks like the workers don't stop and and return they just hang around after they are finished and they are not terminated by a parent process. Possibly they cannot communicate with it. Things seem to work from vanilla sage even after upgrading docutils and sphinx. There are errors/warnings of course but no hangs.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

While for a while sage-doc-9999-r1 worked it is now officially broken, sage's sphinx formatted documentation is officially too old for being built in sage-on-gentoo.

strogdon commented 10 years ago

I have a few patches that may assist in building sage-doc-9999-r1. It seems to work for available sphinx and docutils-0.9.1-r1, possibly all docutils except 0.10. That version needs a little TLC. I believe the changes that allow using docutils-0.9.1-r1 will also be needed with 0.10. I will send patches privately. Using docutils-0.9.1-r1 and <sphinx-1.2 is not optimal since one has a python_targets_python3_2/python_targets_python3_3 useflag nightmare. Anyway, one doesn't want to build the docs too many times, it requires an incredible amount of cpu cycles and this may be too much to maintain.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

It may be. I presume you are not up to use github to make pull requests? I would make including your work much easier.

strogdon commented 10 years ago

I didn't think I could do that, but will investigate.

strogdon commented 10 years ago

The patches I had prepared required that the to-be-installed sage sources be patched. I don't think one should have to do this. The sources should be patched in the appropriate PORTAGE directory during building of sage-doc. In the ebuild SAGE_DOC and SAGE_SRC are exported as pointing to appropriate PORTAGE directories, however in common/ we have from sage.env import SAGE_DOC, SAGE_SRC and in common/ there is from sage.env import SAGE_DOC. And SAGE_DOC and SAGE_SRC point to locations in the system tree. If I remove these import lines from and then during building it becomes clear that the exports in the ebuild aren't doing the intended job; SAGE_DOC and SAGE_SRC are undefined inside

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

I may look at that tonight defining those variables is an integral part of building things, I thought I had given correct definitions in the ebuild.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

OK I checked the ebuild and what you said. checks whether the variables are defined before assigning them the default value. In short you can always override the default system value with your own. I made sure that feature was preserved. If, when is run you get the system value, something wrong is happening that needs further debugging.

strogdon commented 10 years ago

OK, not only is there from sage.env import SAGE_DOC, SAGE_SRC in common/ but there is also import sage.all around line 1466 and in sage.all there is from sage.env import SAGE_ROOT, SAGE_DOC, SAGE_LOCAL, DOT_SAGE, SAGE_ENV. It seems that both of these change what was initially exported for SAGE_DOC in the ebuild.

strogdon commented 10 years ago

I didn't see that you had posted before I posted above. If does check whether variables are set then something is changing things.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Hum, plenty of silly stuff in but it should still work. I probably should open a ticket to remove the from sage.env line from I don't think anything import these variables from sage.all and if they do they should be fixed. But I don't see how mechanically we lose the values of SAGE_DOC and SAGE_SRC. I will have to spend some time with the ebuild tomorrow. Nice set of patches by the way. It is easier than I thought and yes they should go in sage-doc only. So according to you SAGE_SRC is getting lost. If SAGE_DOC was getting set to default you'd get sandbox violation.

strogdon commented 10 years ago

Sandbox, I should have thought of that. Yes, the problem is from where things are being read not where they are being written. Here is the symptom when no patches are applied to the in-tree Sage:

[combinat ] reading sources... [ 27%] sage/combinat/finite_state_machine
Error building the documentation.

Note: incremental documentation builds sometimes cause spurious
error messages. To be certain that these are real errors, run
"make doc-clean" first and try again.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "common/", line 1474, in <module>
    getattr(get_builder(name), type)()
  File "common/", line 269, in _wrapper
    getattr(get_builder(document), 'inventory')(*args, **kwds)
  File "common/", line 485, in _wrapper
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 554, in get
    raise self._value
OSError: [graphs   ] /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sage/graphs/ of sage.graphs.generic_graph.GenericGraph.breadth_first_search:24: ERROR: Content block expected for the "SEEALSO" directive; none found.

So SAGE_SRC is now /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages. Or at the very least files are being looked for under site-packages.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

I think the documentation framework may be calling sage to get some of its info which may why it doesn't look like it respect SAGE_SRC. There is still some work to do to check that claim.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Will add stuff to sage-9999 to see how it behaves. But I need to update gap to 4.7.4 first for beta3 it may take a couple of days because things are pretty hectic for me right now.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Waiting for Volker to release a tarball for libgap 4.7.4. Could host one on but I'd rather wait for it. I have many commits queued or in progress.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Massive push. Things may break.

strogdon commented 10 years ago

With sphinx-1.1.3-r7 and docutils-0.9.1-r1 the html docs seem to build. However there is an issue with the pdf-docs. There are several warnings:

[dynamics ] reading sources... [ 70%] sage/dynamics/interval_exchanges/iet
[cmd      ] /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1/work/sage-9999/src/doc/en/reference/cmd/options.rst:: WARNING: unusable reference target found: ../../../../html/en/reference/misc/s
[cmd      ] /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1/work/sage-9999/src/doc/en/reference/cmd/options.rst:: WARNING: unusable reference target found: ../../../../html/en/reference/misc/s
[cmd      ] /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1/work/sage-9999/src/doc/en/reference/cmd/index.rst:: WARNING: unusable reference target found: ../genindex.html
[cmd      ] /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1/work/sage-9999/src/doc/en/reference/cmd/index.rst:: WARNING: unusable reference target found: ../py-modindex.html
[cmd      ] /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1/work/sage-9999/src/doc/en/reference/cmd/index.rst:: WARNING: unusable reference target found: ../search.html
[cmd      ] writing... done

The unfound targets are referenced in src/doc/en/reference/footer.txt. I don't know about this. The major failure is due to:

/bin/sh: all-pdf: command not found
RuntimeError: failed to run $MAKE all-pdf in /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1/work/sage-9999/src/doc/output/latex/en/reference/cmd

I've seen this before and it would appear that MAKE is not defined.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Yes a clear symptom since it tries to execute all-pdf as a command. It expects to be called from a parent makefile. Will fix that later tonight. Hadn't tested the pdf.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Now that singular is out of the way I will look at this.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

beurk in

    def pdf(self):
        Builds the PDF files for this document.  This is done by first
        (re)-building the LaTeX output, going into that LaTeX
        directory, and running 'make all-pdf' there.


            sage: import os, sys; sys.path.append(os.environ['SAGE_DOC']+'/common/'); import builder
            sage: b = builder.DocBuilder('tutorial')
            sage: b.pdf() #not tested
        tex_dir = self._output_dir('latex')
        pdf_dir = self._output_dir('pdf')
        if"cd '%s' && $MAKE all-pdf && mv -f *.pdf '%s'"%(tex_dir, pdf_dir), shell=True):
            raise RuntimeError("failed to run $MAKE all-pdf in %s"%tex_dir)

        logger.warning("Build finished.  The built documents can be found in %s", pdf_dir)

Have to inspect what exactly it wants to do but I think there will be surgery. But that explains the calll to make.

strogdon commented 10 years ago

From a vanilla Sage perspective it seems that MAKE has to be exported in some fashion to get parallel building to work. Perhaps this is in effect when building the pdf-docs. So I thought, perhaps, MAKE could be exported in the sage-doc ebuild. But perhaps there are reasons not to do that. And of course the html docs seem to build in parallel without exporting MAKE?

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Was about to write something. Not sure how things have broken down yet. but sphinx is supposed to copy a makefile from /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sphinx/texinputs/Makefile into src/doc/output/latex/en/reference/cmd (or somewhere in that hierarchy) and then make is run. self.latex() should do that I think.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Doesn't look like I have even a html output at the moment. Too many errors. undefined labels kills everything. I don't get the error with pdf. IT fails but keep going. I have docutils 0.10/sphinx 1.1.3-r7, are you still at docutils 0.9/sphinx 1.2.2?

strogdon commented 10 years ago

Things will not work with docutils-0.10. docutils-0.9.1-r1 is okay. I've tried sphinx-1.1.3-r7 and sphinx-1.2.1 with success. I'm beginning to think there is a bug in docutils-0.10. I can get rid of the undefined labels but the resulting html is missing links to the "linked" figure. I'm assuming your problem is in and with figure-examples-catalan-trees. The patch to remove the undefined label also works with <docutils-0.10 where it's not needed. Here is the patch to get things to build with docutils-0.10 if downgrading is not possible

--- sage/combinat/      2014-03-10 16:04:48.595069424 -0500
+++ sage/combinat/   2014-03-10 17:21:39.171373854 -0500
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@

 A *complete binary tree* is either a leaf `\mathrm{L}`, or a
 node to which two complete binary trees are attached (see
+:ref:`Figure: The five complete binary trees with four leaves <figure-examples-catalan-tr

 .. _figure-examples-catalan-trees:

@@ -1412,7 +1412,7 @@
         sage: function('Node', nargs=2)

-    The second tree in :ref:`figure-examples-catalan-trees`
+    The second tree in :ref:`Figure: The five complete binary trees with four leaves <fig
     can be represented by the expression::

         sage: tr = Node(Node(Leaf, Node(Leaf, Leaf)), Leaf)
@@ -1893,4 +1893,4 @@
    children to explore, and to reduce the cost of each test of

\ No newline at end of file
kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Yes I thought you said things about docutils earlier. I don't think there is anything forcing the upgrade to docutils 0.10. I will put a dependency to <0.10 in sage-doc

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Hum, only 0.9.1-r1 and 0.10 are python-r1 the rest will probably be dropped, we may soon have to live with 0.10.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

OK now that I have the stuff I think exporting make will be enough, Not special way of setting make though which I assume may be bothersome on exotic target like AIX.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

I got pdf doc with the latest commit :)

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

I got quite a number of missing html files according to my doctest run. I am not sure your patch will be enough to solve that problem but we'll try once i completed the work on beta4. baselayout need a change but I know what to do. It is just finding the time to do it. Hopefully that's the only bit missing coming from beta4.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Looks like my earlier problems may have been due to inconsistencies between the versions of sage (6.2.beta3) and sage-doc (may have been 6.2.beta4). Now that everything is consitent to 6.2.beta4 my missing html pages are not a problem anymore.

strogdon commented 10 years ago

I see that sphinx-1.2.2 is in the main tree and I'm having issues with it in prefix. I also noticed that sage-doc will fail and instead of aborting it installs anyway at the point of failure. This is probably not good.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Definitely not good. I probably need to add some "die"s in there. Can you post the failing bits?

strogdon commented 10 years ago

This is with sphinx-1.2.2 in prefix. I suppose is could be avoided by not using that sphinx version? I'll post the Gentoo result later today.

[reference] ... done (30785 js index entries)
[reference] Writing js search indexes... genindex py-modindex search
[reference] WARNING: favicon file 'favicon.ico' does not exist
[reference] WARNING: favicon file 'favicon.ico' does not exist
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "doc/common/", line 83, in f
  File "/storage/strogdon/gentoo-redlizard/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1/work/sage-9999/src/doc/common/", line 185, in <module>
  File "/storage/strogdon/gentoo-redlizard/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sphinx/", line 264, in main
    print >>error
  File "/storage/strogdon/gentoo-redlizard/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1/work/sage-9999/src/doc/common/", line 165, in write
  File "/storage/strogdon/gentoo-redlizard/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1/work/sage-9999/src/doc/common/", line 139, in _write
  File "/storage/strogdon/gentoo-redlizard/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1/work/sage-9999/src/doc/common/", line 108, in _log_line
    raise OSError(line)
OSError: [reference] WARNING: favicon file 'favicon.ico' does not exist

And then it installs

>>> Source compiled.
>>> Test phase [not enabled]: sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1

>>> Install sage-doc-9999-r1 into /storage/strogdon/gentoo-redlizard/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1/image/ category sci-mathematics
 ^[[32;01m*^[[0m python2_7: running distutils-r1_run_phase python_install
 ^[[32;01m*^[[0m python2_7: running distutils-r1_run_phase distutils-r1_python_install_all
>>> Completed installing sage-doc-9999-r1 into /storage/strogdon/gentoo-redlizard/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1/image/
strogdon commented 10 years ago

The failure in Gentoo is identical to the above. So perhaps sphinx-1.2.2 has problems. Maybe some subtle change that impacts how Sage is calling Sphinx.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Looks bad, looks for a file that is expected. I just added some die in the ebuild. Hopefully that will prevent emerge to go on after the failure.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago
find doc/ -name favicon*

so we have some favicon.ico it just isn't found or it is looking for extra.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

May be the following could be a stop gap

--- sage-6.2.beta4/src/doc/common/       2014-03-12 09:00:43.000000000 +1300
+++ sage-patching/src/doc/common/        2014-03-13 09:54:10.172776654 +1300
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
 # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
 # docs.  This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
 # pixels large.
-html_favicon = 'favicon.ico'
+#html_favicon = 'favicon.ico'

 # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
 # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
strogdon commented 10 years ago

This seems to fix things. Visually, I don't see a change over a doc-build with sphinx-1.1.3 where the icon is included without a problem. The only difference is that in the index html files this line

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="_static/favicon.ico"/>

does not appear. It's not clear why it is there.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Funky that would duplicate a line in sage/misc/ This is in a call that generates a web page as far as I can tell. So the patch may just be removing some dead code.

strogdon commented 10 years ago

Here are the changes between 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 in sphinx/builders/ that's causing the problem

@@ -597,15 +597,17 @@
         if self.config.html_logo:
             logobase = path.basename(self.config.html_logo)
             logotarget = path.join(self.outdir, '_static', logobase)
-            if not path.isfile(logobase):
-                self.warn('logo file %r does not exist' % logobase)
+            if not path.isfile(path.join(self.confdir, self.config.html_logo)):
+                self.warn('logo file %r does not exist' % self.config.html_logo)
             elif not path.isfile(logotarget):
                 copyfile(path.join(self.confdir, self.config.html_logo),
         if self.config.html_favicon:
             iconbase = path.basename(self.config.html_favicon)
             icontarget = path.join(self.outdir, '_static', iconbase)
-            if not path.isfile(icontarget):
+            if not path.isfile(path.join(self.confdir, self.config.html_favicon)):
+                self.warn('favicon file %r does not exist' % self.config.html_favicon)
+            elif not path.isfile(icontarget):
                 copyfile(path.join(self.confdir, self.config.html_favicon),

Apparently, sphinx is looking for favicon.ico in the source folder for every document that's to be built. If I copy favicon.ico into en/reference then the reference docs are built but fails with

[website  ] WARNING: favicon file 'favicon.ico' does not exist
[website  ] WARNING: favicon file 'favicon.ico' does not exist
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "doc/common/", line 83, in f
  File "/storage/strogdon/gentoo-redlizard/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1/work/sage-9999/src/doc/common/", line 185, in <module>
  File "/storage/strogdon/gentoo-redlizard/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sphinx/", line 264, in main
    print >>error
  File "/storage/strogdon/gentoo-redlizard/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1/work/sage-9999/src/doc/common/", line 165, in write
  File "/storage/strogdon/gentoo-redlizard/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1/work/sage-9999/src/doc/common/", line 139, in _write
  File "/storage/strogdon/gentoo-redlizard/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1/work/sage-9999/src/doc/common/", line 108, in _log_line
    raise OSError(line)
OSError: [website  ] WARNING: favicon file 'favicon.ico' does not exist

So en/website needs the file too. What a mess. Since the line for html_logo is commented out in then perhaps the best thing is comment out the line for html_favicon as well.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

OK I will push the fix later today. But to me it looks very strange, you should have a warning but it should fall back to the old location if I am reading the code well. I think the failure is not intended but a side effect of something else that the sphinx devs may have overlooked.

strogdon commented 10 years ago

You're right. Sage must be raising the OSError. Try the following:

--- src/doc/common/  2014-03-13 23:05:26.180421561 -0500
+++ src/doc/common/       2014-03-13 23:05:37.428445203 -0500
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
     re.compile('^looking for now-outdated files... none found'),
     re.compile('^building \[.*\]: targets for 0 source files that are out of date'),
     re.compile('^loading pickled environment... done'),
-    re.compile('^loading cross citations... done \([0-9]* citations\).')
+    re.compile('^loading cross citations... done \([0-9]* citations\).'),
+    re.compile('WARNING: favicon file \'favicon.ico\' does not exist')

 # replacements: pairs of regular expressions and their replacements,
kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Oh that sounds devious but totally possible.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

I suspect commit is at fault. I am looking at line 107 and 108 of So I'd say your last patch is actually the way to go.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

I think we are done for now. We can now build the documentation for the "hot" ebuild.

strogdon commented 10 years ago

Not that this should be reopend but USE=html emerge -1 =sci-mathematics/sage-doc-9999-r1 fails here

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "doc/common/", line 1477, in <module>
    getattr(get_builder(name), type)()
  File "doc/common/", line 276, in _wrapper
    getattr(get_builder(document), 'inventory')(*args, **kwds)
  File "doc/common/", line 487, in _wrapper
  File "/storage/strogdon/gentoo-redlizard/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 554, in get
    raise self._value
OSError: [libs     ] docstring of sage.libs.lrcalc.lrcalc:79: ERROR: Content block expected for the "seealso" directive; none found.

See the seealso syntax issue mentioned above but at a different location. This is somewhat awkward since to get sage-doc to build one had to patch sage in the sage ebuild to resolve the issue. I see no seealso patch in sage.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

I haven't updated the ebuild for the new beta. I am waiting for us to cut a 6.2 ebuild before updating it. Upstream has not released updated doc tarballs that we use for stable releases yet. I think there are updates to sphinx and al. in the new beta which may explain some of the stuff you see.

cschwan commented 10 years ago

Oh, I didn'see this when I responded to your mail. If the 9999-r1-style docs are working then I'd vote for using them with 6.2 and higher!

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

I haven't encountered any problems. You are on sphinx 1.2.x?