cschwan / sage-on-gentoo

(Unofficial) Gentoo Overlay for Sage- and Sage-related ebuilds
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Rebuilding sage library via "sage -b" not working #321

Closed spinfoam closed 9 years ago

spinfoam commented 10 years ago

I have tried to install a package to sage (Sage Manifolds). This includes rebuilding sage library ("sage -b") and installing documentation ("sage --docbuild"). Both give me error of the following type (for "sage -b"):

sage-run received unknown option: -b
usage: sage [options]
Try 'sage -h' for more information.
I am likely missing something simple but I haven't been able to solve it.

Thank you for any help.

And thank you very much for the amount of work you devote to providing us with sage ebuilds.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Yes, we strip that stuff. You are not supposed to do that when your sage install is managed by the package manager. The best solution is for us to ship the package you want as part of the sage ebuild or as a separate ebuild. If you give me pointers to manifold I should be able to do that for you.

I have done similar stuff with matroids in the past.

spinfoam commented 10 years ago

Thank you very very much. I suspected that this might be the case.

Here is the installation instructions page:

All of the installation script "" seems to work with the exception of the above mentioned commands that are at the very end.

Thanks again.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Yes we do not support doing that kind of stuff as it negates putting sage under control of the package manager. Hum.... the way they modify things is a bit crass. It would have been better if they provided the files from the main tree they modify or a patch. If I add it for you it may be against the live ebuilds first. It may be included in the sage 6.4 ebuild afterwards. I could either go for 0.5 or a live version pulling from git which do you think would be more suited for your work?

spinfoam commented 10 years ago

Due to new features still coming to git I would slightly prefer a live git version. But try adding a version that would be easier to incorporate for you. And of course I agree with any version of sage you would be willing to add it to.


kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Actually it may be possible to install the git version from the sagemanifolds github fork. Unfortunately it doesn't look like you can override the repo by setting env variables but if you copy sage-9999.ebuild in your own overlay and change EGIT_REPO_URI to git:// and EGIT_BRANCH to master you will build sage 6.3 with the manyfolds stuff in. I will give it a try to see if it really works.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

It could be overridden by the variables sage_LIVE_REPO and sage_LIVE_BRANCH but the sagemanyfolds git repo is not in sync the develop branch on sagemath, so the patches I wrote for it don't apply. I'll do some more thinking.

kiwifb commented 10 years ago

Not sure yet how to integrate everything properly. The ebuild below should give you sage 6.3 with git version of manifolds:

# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: $


PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )

# disable parallel build - Sage has its own method (see src_configure)

inherit distutils-r1 eutils flag-o-matic multilib multiprocessing prefix toolchain-funcs versionator git-2


KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x86-macos ~x64-macos"

DESCRIPTION="Math software for algebra, geometry, number theory, cryptography and numerical computation"
IUSE="latex testsuite lrs nauty debug"


RESTRICT="mirror test"



    !prefix? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.13-r4 )
    latex? (
        || ( app-text/dvipng[truetype] media-gfx/imagemagick[png] )
    lrs? ( sci-libs/lrslib )
    nauty? ( sci-mathematics/nauty )"

    testsuite? ( ~sci-mathematics/sage-doc-${PV}[html] )"


pkg_setup() {
    # needed since Ticket #14460
    tc-export CC

python_prepare() {
    # ATLAS independence
    epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.3-blas.patch

    # Remove sage's package management system
    epatch "${WORKDIR}"/patches/${PN}-6.3-package.patch
    rm sage/misc/

    # Remove sage's git capabilities
    epatch "${WORKDIR}"/patches/${PN}-6.2-hg.patch
    rm -rf sage/dev

    # Remove sage cmdline tests related to these
    epatch "${WORKDIR}"/patches/${PN}-6.0-cmdline.patch

    if use lrs; then
        sed -i "s:if True:if False:" sage/geometry/polyhedron/

    if use nauty; then
        sed -i "s:if True:if False:" \
            sage/graphs/ \
            sage/graphs/ \

    # replace pexpect with sage pinned version
    epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.2-pexpect.patch
    sed -i "s:import pexpect:import sage_pexpect as pexpect:g" \
        `grep -rl "import pexpect" *`
    sed -i "s:from pexpect:from sage_pexpect:g" \
        `grep -rl "from pexpect" *`

    # Fixes to Sage's build system

    # use already installed csage
    rm -rf c_lib || die "failed to remove c library directory"

    # use installed clib headers
    sed -i "s:c_lib/include/memory.h:csage/memory.h:" \

    # fix png library name
    sed -i "s:png12:$(libpng-config --libs | cut -dl -f2):g"

    # fix numpy path (final quote removed to catch numpy_include_dirs and numpy_depends)
    sed -i "s:SAGE_LOCAL + '/lib/python/site-packages/numpy/core/include:'$(python_get_sitedir)/numpy/core/include:g" \

    # use sage-ppl
    epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.3-ppl1.patch
    sed -i "s:lib/ppl1:$(get_libdir)/ppl1:"

    # fix lcalc path
    sed -i "s:SAGE_INC + \"/libLfunction:SAGE_INC + \"/Lfunction:g"

    # We add -DNDEBUG to objects linking to givaro and libsingular.
    epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.3-givaro_singular_extra.patch
    # Use factory headers from libsingular. 
    # Apply after the givaro_singular_extra patch otherwise the above patch will fail.
    sed -i "s:, SAGE_INC + '/factory'::g"

    # Do not clean up the previous install with
    epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.3-noclean.patch

    # Fixes to Sage itself

    # sage on gentoo
    epatch "${FILESDIR}"/sage-6.3-env.patch
    eprefixify sage/

    # fix library path of libsingular
    sed -i "s:os.environ\['SAGE_LOCAL'\]+\"/lib:\"${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir):" \

    # TODO: should be a patch
    # run maxima with ecl
    sed -i "s:'maxima :'maxima -l ecl :g" \
        sage/interfaces/ \

    # speaking of ecl - patching so we can allow ecl with unicode.
    epatch "${FILESDIR}"/trac_14636_1.patch
    epatch "${FILESDIR}"/trac_14636_2b.patch

    # TODO: should be a patch
    # Uses singular internal copy of the factory header
    sed -i "s:factory/factory.h:singular/factory.h:" \

    # finding JmolData.jar in the right place
    sed -i "s:\"jmol\", \"JmolData:\"jmol-applet\", \"JmolData:" sage/interfaces/

    # Make sage-inline-fortran useless by having better fortran settings
    sed -i \
        -e "s:--f77exec=sage-inline-fortran:--f77exec=$(tc-getF77):g" \
        -e "s:--f90exec=sage-inline-fortran:--f90exec=$(tc-getFC):g" \

    # TODO: should be a patch
    # patch lie library path
    sed -i -e "s:/lib/LiE/:/share/lie/:" sage/interfaces/

    # patching libs/gap/util.pyx so we don't get noise from missing SAGE_LOCAL/gap/latest
    epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.9-libgap.patch

    # TODO: should be a patch
    # Getting the singular documentation from the right place
    sed -i "s:os.environ\[\"SAGE_LOCAL\"\]+\"/share/singular/\":sage.env.SAGE_DOC + \"/\":" \

    # Fix for sphinx 1.2+
    epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-doc-6.2-seealso.patch

    # Make the Octave interface work with a root install
    # some other interface are likely to be affected
    sed -i "s:script_subdirectory='user':script_subdirectory=None:" \

    # Fixes to doctests

    # TODO: should be a patch
    # remove 'local' part
    sed -i "s:\.\.\./local/share/pari:.../share/pari:g" sage/interfaces/

    # fix
    epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}
    sed -i \
        -e "s:\"lib\",\"python\":\"$(get_libdir)\",\"${EPYTHON}\":" \
        -e "s:\"bin\":\"lib\",\"python-exec\",\"${EPYTHON}\":" sage/

    # do not test safe python stuff from trac 13579
    epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.0-safepython.patch

    # remove version information of GLPK
    epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.9-fix-mip-doctest.patch

    # 'sage' is not in SAGE_ROOT, but in PATH
    epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5.9-fix-ostools-doctest.patch

    # change the location of the doc building tools in sage/doctest/
    epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.3-doc_common.patch

    # fix location of the html doc
    epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.0-sagedoc.patch

python_configure() {
    export SAGE_LOCAL="${EPREFIX}"/usr/
    export SAGE_ROOT="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/sage
    export SAGE_SRC=`pwd`
    export SAGE_VERSION=${PV}
    export SAGE_NUM_THREADS=$(makeopts_jobs)
    if use debug; then
        export SAGE_DEBUG=1

    # files are not built unless they are touched
    find sage -name "*pyx" -exec touch '{}' \; \
        || die "failed to touch *pyx files"

python_install_all() {

    # install sources needed for testing/compiling of cython/spyx files
    find sage ! \( -name "*.py" -o -name "*.pyx" -o -name "*.pxd" -o \
        -name "*.pxi" -o -name "*.h" \
        -o -name "*matrix_rational_dense_linbox.cpp" \
        -o -name "*" \
        -o -name "*.rst" \) -type f -delete \
        || die "failed to remove non-testable sources"

    insinto /usr/share/sage/src
    doins -r sage
    if use debug; then
        pushd build
        doins -r cython_debug

pkg_postinst() {
    einfo "If you use Sage's browser interface ('Sage Notebook') and experience"
    einfo "an 'Internal Server Error' you should append the following line to"
    einfo "your ~/.bashrc (replace firefox with your favorite browser and note"
    einfo "that in your case it WILL NOT WORK with xdg-open):"
    einfo ""
    einfo "  export SAGE_BROWSER=/usr/bin/firefox"
    einfo ""

    einfo "Vanilla Sage comes with the 'Standard' set of Sage Packages, i.e."
    einfo "those listed at: which are"
    einfo "installed now."
    einfo "There are also some packages of the 'Optional' set (which consists"
    einfo "of the these: available"
    einfo "which may be installed with portage as usual."

    if use testsuite ; then

    einfo ""
    einfo "To test Sage with 4 parallel processes run the following command:"
    einfo ""
    einfo "  sage -tp 4 --all"
    einfo ""
    einfo "Note that testing Sage may take more than an hour depending on your"
    einfo "processor(s). You _will_ see failures but many of them are harmless"
    einfo "such as version mismatches and numerical noise. Since Sage is"
    einfo "changing constantly we do not maintain an up-to-date list of known"
    einfo "failures."


    einfo ""
    einfo "IF YOU EXPERIENCE PROBLEMS and wish to report them please use the"
    einfo "overlay's issue tracker at"
    einfo ""
    einfo ""
    einfo ""
    einfo "There we can react faster than on where bugs first"
    einfo "need to be assigned to the right person. Thank you!"
spinfoam commented 10 years ago

I have successfully installed the ebuild and tested manifolds and everything is working.

Big big thanks for the speed and effort.

kiwifb commented 9 years ago

I cannot go any further than giving you a custom ebuild at this stage. If you need more support for this you can re-open this issue.