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Error with ecl #442

Closed miguelmarco closed 3 years ago

miguelmarco commented 7 years ago

I recently emerged sage version 7.4. The following error message appears when I try to run something that calls maxima:

sage: integral(x,x,algorithm='maxima')

;;; Unhandled lisp initialization error
;;; Message:
;;; Arguments:
Internal or unrecoverable error in:

Lisp initialization error.

  [2: No such file or directory]

;;; ECL C Backtrace
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f150982d1b2]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1509815b14]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1509815c7d]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f15097f49e9]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1509816c64]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1509816f78]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f15097f4938]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f15098436d5]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1509844131]
;;; /lib64/ [0x7f1615093860]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f15097aeb16]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f15097ec1e0]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f15097ec733]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f15097ee074]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f15097795c8]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1509812fc9]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f150970a327]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1509812fc9]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f15097091a0]
;;; /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sage/libs/ [0x7f1509c182a8]
;;; /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sage/libs/ [0x7f1509c14b15]
;;; /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sage/libs/ [0x7f1509c24e83]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f161539a517]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f16153985b1]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f161539882f]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f1615399248]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f161537bd88]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f16152eb303]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f161537da57]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f161537f98f]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f16153877b0]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f16153878a9]

Any clue about what it can be?

kiwifb commented 7 years ago

version of cython used?

miguelmarco commented 7 years ago

The one I have installed is 0.24.1-r1

kiwifb commented 7 years ago

OK looking at the message more closely I am wondering about the maxima installed. Version of maxima and is /usr/lib{,64}/ecl-16.1.2/maxima.fas present?

miguelmarco commented 7 years ago

sci-mathematics/maxima-5.37.3-r4 /usr/lib64/ecl-16.1.2/maxima.fas is there

kiwifb commented 7 years ago

Can you downgrade to 5.35.1-r2, I know there may be issues with some version of maxima. But then I suppose you were using that with 7.3 without problems, were you?

miguelmarco commented 7 years ago

YEs, it worked ok before upgrading

kiwifb commented 7 years ago

Hum, I cannot reproduce that with vanilla or my vbraun branch install. I'll see if bringing maxima to the same level triggers it.

miguelmarco commented 7 years ago

ops., sorry. i got confused by portage. version 5.37.3-r4 is the one available, but sage has forced the installation of 5.35.1-r2. That is the one that showed the problem.

kiwifb commented 7 years ago

What happens when you do this:

sage: from sage.libs.ecl import ecl_eval
sage: ecl_eval("(require 'maxima)")
miguelmarco commented 7 years ago
sage: from sage.libs.ecl import ecl_eval

;;; Unhandled lisp initialization error
;;; Message:
;;; Arguments:
Internal or unrecoverable error in:

Lisp initialization error.

  [2: No such file or directory]

;;; ECL C Backtrace
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b1f91b2]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b1e1b14]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b1e1c7d]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b1c09e9]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b1e2c64]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b1e2f78]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b1c0938]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b20f6d5]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b210131]
;;; /lib64/ [0x7f23a401b860]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b17ab16]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b1b81e0]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b1b8733]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b1ba074]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b1455c8]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b1defc9]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b0d6327]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b1defc9]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f229b0d51a0]
;;; /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sage/libs/ [0x7f229b5e42a8]
;;; /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sage/libs/ [0x7f229b5e0b15]
;;; /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sage/libs/ [0x7f229b5f0e83]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f23a4322517]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f23a43205b1]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f23a432082f]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f23a4321248]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f23a4303d88]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f23a4273303]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f23a4305a57]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f23a430798f]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f23a430f7b0]
;;; /usr/lib64/ [0x7f23a430f8a9]

It fails even before trying to load maxima

kiwifb commented 7 years ago

compiler and gmp version. At the moment I suspect something happened to your ecl install. It is probably not working at all. I am excepting you to experience the crash just by typing ecl in a terminal.

miguelmarco commented 7 years ago

gcc (Gentoo 4.9.3 p1.5, pie-0.6.4) 4.9.3 gmp-6.0.0a

ecl in the terminal does not crash:

mmarco@neumann ~ $ ecl
ECL (Embeddable Common-Lisp) 16.1.2 (git:UNKNOWN)
Copyright (C) 1984 Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya
Copyright (C) 1993 Giuseppe Attardi
Copyright (C) 2000 Juan J. Garcia-Ripoll
Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel Kochmanski
ECL is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see file 'Copyright' for details.
Type :h for Help.  
Top level in: #<process TOP-LEVEL>.
kiwifb commented 7 years ago

That's funny I don't get the : #<process TOP-LEVEL> bit. What useflags are on ecls?

miguelmarco commented 7 years ago
 * Found these USE flags for dev-lisp/ecls-16.1.2-r1:
 U I
 + + X                 : Add support for X11
 + + cpu_flags_x86_sse : Use the SSE instruction set
 + + cxx               : Build support for C++ (bindings, extra libraries, code generation, ...)
 - - debug             : Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see
 - - emacs             : Add support for GNU Emacs
 - - gengc             : Use generational garbage collection (experimental)
 + + libatomic         : Use dev-libs/libatomic_ops library
 - - precisegc         : Use type information during garbage collection (experimental)
 + + threads           : Add threads support for various packages. Usually pthreads
 + + unicode           : Add support for Unicode
kiwifb commented 7 years ago

Can we try without threads?

miguelmarco commented 7 years ago

The Top level in: #<process TOP-LEVEL>.is not there without threads, but sage keeps crashing just like before.

kiwifb commented 7 years ago

Do you have another user on the machine you could test with? I am wondering if you have some settings interfering.

miguelmarco commented 7 years ago

Running as root shows the same behaviour Also, removing .sage directory does not help

kiwifb commented 7 years ago

What about ~/.ecl or ~/.eclrc or since it fails as root /etc/ecl and /etc/eclrc?

kiwifb commented 7 years ago

Ha, someone has seen this before but it is unresolved:

kiwifb commented 7 years ago

And of course it is the message of #348

kiwifb commented 7 years ago

If it is #348 resurrected I was hoping it was solved by the ecls upgrade to 16+. The only thing is why do you have gmp-6.0.0a instead of 6.1.0? While there may be an interaction with gmp I think the main culprit is boehm-gc with ecls.

miguelmarco commented 7 years ago

No .ecl* or /etc/ecl* directories exist

my version of boehm-gc is 7.4.2:0 gmp 6.0.0a is required by sci-mathematics/flintqs

I would try to compile boehm-gc without threads flag... but Macaulay2 requires it.

kiwifb commented 7 years ago

The gmp thing is a problem with portage. Do upgrade it. emerge -uv gmp --nodeps you'll have to do a revdep-rebuild aftewards but there is nothing really holding apart from some subslot weirdness that I can't fathom.

miguelmarco commented 7 years ago

upgrading gmp did not solve the problem compiling boehm-gc without threads flag didn't help either

kiwifb commented 7 years ago

Can you enable debugging as described in and the next few posts?

kiwifb commented 3 years ago

Closing as old and obsolete.