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(Unofficial) Gentoo Overlay for Sage- and Sage-related ebuilds
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request for csparse ebuild #694

Closed Alessandro-Barbieri closed 2 years ago

Alessandro-Barbieri commented 2 years ago

Since you are the maintainer of cxsparse, do you also have an ebuild of csparse under the carpet 👉👈?

kiwifb commented 2 years ago

That's not distributed as part of suitesparse so I don't [I am currently doing a terrible job maintaining it by the way, I'll have to block some time just for it].

By the look of it, it is in a very primitive state. No package versioning or even version control. If he was working in my institution, I would have some words with that guy about distributing their software. If there had been at least some github/gitlab repo I would have packaged it. But not in this form.

Alessandro-Barbieri commented 2 years ago

It is part of suitesparse and present in the official github repository

BTW is it time to put all of suitesparse components in one package? (the source repo is the same for all)

kiwifb commented 2 years ago

Then if there is no ebuild for it now, this is an oversight.

Putting all component in one package is possible I guess, that would solve some issues. But the same problem remain, the build system is crap and the meta build more so (he says as he just did package it like that for sagemath).

kiwifb commented 2 years ago

Yes the original stuff from bicatali didn't include csparse and I didn't notice. I'll include it as soon as I can give it some love.

kiwifb commented 2 years ago

I have started to give some love to it. Next time open an issue on this is really where it should go. In the present state I guess it is ready to produce a csparse ebuild but I want to do some stuff on cholmod before releasing the rest of it towards the main tree.

kiwifb commented 2 years ago

This is getting rather interesting. Do we need an ebuild for csparse? The latest ubuntu doesn't offer it. And the makefile at is rather interesting. By default csparse is built but not installed. Which would be why it is not distributed. The next interesting things is that cxsparse is generated from csparse and csparse is just a subcase of cxsparse. If you are interested in functions in csparse, they should be available in cxsparse - possibly with a prefixed or suffixed name.

Do you have legacy code lying around that needs csparse specifically? If you do, it probably can be migrated to cxsparse.

Alessandro-Barbieri commented 2 years ago

I want to unbundle csparse from casadi

kiwifb commented 2 years ago

OK, that's a bit ugly and proves what mess suitesparse is when people choose to just vendor the bit of it they are interested in. That certainly put some validity to your request.

All those external packages haven't been updated in years if I read github timestamp correctly. Some many time bombs :(

kiwifb commented 2 years ago

I have an ebuild in the overlay if you want to try it out.