cschwan / sage-on-gentoo

(Unofficial) Gentoo Overlay for Sage- and Sage-related ebuilds
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sci-mathematics/sage-doc-13 issue #780

Closed CaptainBloodz closed 3 months ago

CaptainBloodz commented 3 months ago

All other sage related installed fine against dev-lang/python:11. Forces against dev-lang/python:12

kiwifb commented 3 months ago

Can you be more precise? Building against py3.12 requires the extra unmasking of gmpy from the sage-on-gentoo overlay.

CaptainBloodz commented 3 months ago

I've messed up with some unvalidated OP updates. Fixed. Sorry.

CaptainBloodz commented 3 months ago

Here's an issue:


A file present below seems misadressed:

equery f cysignals

kiwifb commented 3 months ago

OK, that looks like two bugs rolled into one. First, the new in tree cysignals is not patched properly. Possibly, my patch was obsolete, if it has been imported - just checked, no patch for this behavior in the gentoo main tree. Second, there appear to be an issue with libecl from dev-lisp/ecl. I would be tempted to rebuild ecl to see if it fixes thing.

Also, does sage starts?

CaptainBloodz commented 3 months ago

user@amd64 ~ $ sage ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ SageMath version 10.3, Release Date: 2024-03-19 │ │ Using Python 3.11.8. Type "help()" for help. │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

[U] dev-lisp/ecl Available versions: 21.2.1-r5(0/21.2.1)^t 23.9.9-r1(0/23.9.9)^t {X cxx debug emacs gengc precisegc +threads +unicode CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse"} Installed versions: 21.2.1-r5(0/21.2.1)^t(22:21:40 27/01/2024)(emacs -X -cxx -debug -gengc -precisegc -threads -unicode CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse") Homepage: Description: ECL is an embeddable Common Lisp implementation

kiwifb commented 3 months ago

OK, so sage starts, it is not that libecl or the binding to it is completely broken. But doing specific with it is.

kiwifb commented 3 months ago

I also may have incorrectly locked sage to ecl-21, when it should be able to use ecl-23. I'll look into that.

kiwifb commented 3 months ago

OK, you can upgrade ecl after synchronising the overlay with

emaint sync -r sage-on-gentoo
emerge -uv ecl --nodeps
emerge -1v maxima sagemath-standard
CaptainBloodz commented 3 months ago

new ecl maxima & sagemath-standard[-doc] went fine.

amd64 ~ # eix sage-doc [I] sci-mathematics/sage-doc [1] Available versions: (~)10.3^mt *9999l^mt {doc-pdf L10N="ca de es fr hu it ja pt ru tr"} Installed versions: 10.3^mt(21:18:28 24/03/2024)(-doc-pdf L10N="fr -ca -de -es -hu -it -ja -pt -ru -tr")

went fine too.

However USE=doc-pdf emerge sci-mathematics/sage-doc fails for some reason, possibly specific on my side:

Would you mind to have a look at: sci-mathematics:sage-doc-10.3:20240324-182724.log.gz

kiwifb commented 3 months ago

For doc-pdf, you may have missed the news Some stuff changed since then, and maybe I should post an update. texlive-2023 has entered the main tree but is masked. If you want doc-pdf you need to link tools/package.keywords/texlive-2023 in both /etc/portage/package_acceptkeywords and /etc/portage/package.unmask there is also the licenses and .use file.

CaptainBloodz commented 3 months ago

Clear enough +.

CaptainBloodz commented 3 months ago

Yes indeed, texlive-2023 version constraint could help others.

kiwifb commented 3 months ago

The sage-doc ebuild needed to have >=texlive-2023 for the doc-pdf useflag, but for some reasons I forgot to do it. Corrected now, anyone wanting doc-pdf will find they need texlive-2023.