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Sheets not updating automatically #1

Open csawall opened 6 years ago

csawall commented 6 years ago

Hello! First, thanks for the app and easy instructions - always helpful! I have the app installed and it works, in general. However, it doesn't appear that the app is updating the Google Sheet automatically. It only appears to update if I go into the app and click on the "refresh" button.

I am trying to monitor one Aeon Smart Energy switch:

In the app, I have selected this device as a "switch" and a "power meter". For now, I have the queue set to one minute for testing.

Settings: kWh cost set Report type set to 0 Watts data interval set to 60 seconds kWh data interval set to 900 seconds decimal set to 2

debugOutput, disableOnOff, and displayEvents are at the default state of false. I left the report type 1 settings to 50w and 10%, which were the default settings. I assume this should not matter since not the option I selected.

If it matters, I am using this as my device type:

Thoughts? Thanks!


csawall commented 6 years ago

I just realized the settings I posted above are for the device handler I pasted a link to, not your app. There's not much in the app to set I believe. As FYI, the device's checkInterval time is set to 1920 (32 minutes). Do you rely on that setting or something else? Thanks!

cschwer commented 6 years ago

The way the app works is that when a device sends an event to it, it will queue up that event for the amount of time you specify in the queueTime, if another event comes in from that device in that amount of time, then the value will be overwritten. (it's so that you are not constantly logging values that are changing) The queue time is the minimum amount of time you will write to the sheet, not the maximum. So if your device only sends an event every 32 minutes, that is when the app will end up sending to the sheet. And keep in mind that if the value did not change from the previous value, typically the device will not send an event, only when the value has changed.

You mentioned it was sending when you hit "refresh" in the App, did you really mean the device? I have not looked at this in a long time so I am out of the loop.

csawall commented 6 years ago

Thanks. The queueTime definitely works, when it all works. It's the part about actually sending to start with. The value is changing, slightly, from 7.81 to 7.84, or other similar small movements throughout the day, but not really logging. It does log on switch status change (on/off). I'll watch it through the day today / tomorrow to see if it changes at all.

When I mentioned "refresh", I meant within the smart app within the smartthings app, for the device.
