csci3251-2020 / project-team-d

project-team-d created by GitHub Classroom
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Update #29

Closed AaronMiao closed 4 years ago

AaronMiao commented 4 years ago

i don't know why i doesn't work on github but works when i test on local

nickhinhin commented 4 years ago

Well, it guess it will auto run when anyone push anything to master

precilali commented 4 years ago

Maybe we try to merge it again first? XD (btw it is only me or anyone else can't have an access to ...? Why so strange lol)

nickhinhin commented 4 years ago

Maybe we try to merge it again first? XD (btw it is only me or anyone else can't have an access to ...? Why so strange lol) what's that, i can't access too