csci3251-2023 / project-team-e

project-team-e created by GitHub Classroom
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Task 1: Starting issues #2

Closed Munkhbilegb closed 1 year ago

Munkhbilegb commented 1 year ago

Welcome to Milestone 3. You've got some group tasks to go through, and it's better to keep track using the Issues system in GitHub.

As the Task Manager, you need to do these:

  1. Look at the list of items in the folder /issues/
  2. Go to the Issues tab, and create a new issue for each of them the tasks using the current title and contents
    • Note: check how to include the images correctly, but don't create issues for the images!
  3. Put down appropriate labels for the issues
  4. From time to time, check if the issue (task) is done already. If so, close the issue.