csci3251-2023 / project-team-e

project-team-e created by GitHub Classroom
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Task 5: Get a status badge #6

Open Munkhbilegb opened 1 year ago

Munkhbilegb commented 1 year ago

You are going to update this web page: name) (of course it's your actual repo name, without the brackets!)

As the Delivery Manager, go through these steps:

  1. Edit, and include the code from code.c using include_relative
  2. Highlight the code using C syntax highlighting with markdown, like this: task5
  3. Now, get a workflow status badge for the code, as in this document: The code should already be well prepared in Task 4 The owner is csci3251-2023, and the repository is your team repo name You can find the workflow file name in the repo in .github/workflows directory
  4. Insert the resultant image using markdown, under the code snipplet you inserted You may find this page useful:
xanderc123 commented 1 year ago

Xander is going to take this